@BlackDogDays @JonCraig_Photos @MsMottram Okay, you’re in the diary.
@johnfbraun Steak pie. Specifically, local firm Pieminister’s “Moo Pie” :D pieminister.co.uk/pies/pm-range/
@johnfbraun Steak and Ale.
Pie! #pie
@MsMottram @JonCraig_Photos @BlackDogDays I can do pretty much any time.
@Thehappyfatgirl ;D
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram @JonCraig_Photos Friday’s about the only lunchtime I’m free :) Yes please!
@Thehappyfatgirl Where?
So far, I have only seen the sarcastic backlash against the stupid Facebook privacy status updates, not the stupid updates themselves.
@andybeebristol As long as your chest cavity was vibrating in resonance with the voice, it was probably them.
@andybeebristol It certainly is. One of my favourite bands. Finally got around to seeing them* live in 2007… *well, sort of “them”…
B247Martin Labour cllr Mark Bradshaw writes open letter to Mayor George declining, “with a heavy heart”, offer of joining cabinet: bristolculture.wordpress.com/mark-bradshaws…
Ooops. #cooking #garlicexplosion #clumsy
@chubbybannister @RamonYouseph We should have a Sneakers evening. Fab film. #setecastronomy
@Phooto Well, it has been known…
This is not my optimal working environment :/
The builders on the scaffolding next door are drowning out the primary school playground opposite. I am drowning both out with the Nephilim.
@currybet 12 January 2011, according to this blog entry I just found.
@Phooto That’s from Preview on the Mac.

Computers have definitely improved since my Acorn Electron days. Corrupt screen memory is much higher res now, for one. pic.twitter.com/cNHBBFT2
@weirdoldhattie Saw some very nice looking cranes on the wall at Southmead Hospital, visiting a friend who just had his hip replaced :D
@scalzi Maybe he moved to Canada.
Installed in the @wshed, awaiting tagine.
@chubbybannister @Bristol52 (Also: one thing I like about JL is that their delivery guys are great, which is handy for big mattresses.)
@chubbybannister @Bristol52 Mine was from John Lewis. Lasted ages, bloody comfy. Can’t remember how much it was, though.
Seems to be a two-coffee morning.
Cardiffbus We currently have delays on services 1,2,13,17,18,23,27,28,30,33,38,39,44,49,57,61,62,92,94,95,96. Sorry for any inconvenience.
@bexxi “A+++++++++ employee! Would use again!”