@archidave I DON’T KNOW.
I HAZ VOTED. #bristolmayor
@RamonYouseph Yup, you’re on.
@liveindetail Portable thingy: portacovery.com recommended to me by a physio. Seems to help, when I can be arsed to use it regularly.
@robjmills Cool, ta.
@bexxi It’s both here.

@liveindetail No, but I do have a modern one. Really! pic.twitter.com/DQ4aAQHw
@bexxi Does seem a bit contradictory.
If a friend only just realised her #bristol vote was a postal vote, can she still vote by dropping it in at the Council House today?
@garycasamojo @WTF4Photography @andybeebristol @talkie_tim I was just wondering where South Central LA (Long Ashton) was…
@WTF4Photography @andybeebristol @garycasamojo @talkie_tim No, you’re in Cardiff’s Lower East Side.
ishmbishm actual headline. #Savita “Ireland Murders Pregnant Indian Dentist” indiatimes.com indiatimes.com/europe/ireland… via @indiatimes”#deiseam
@RamonYouseph Oooh, I’d forgotten about Spicer and Cole. That could work for me. All is well apart from my lack of work gumption today!
London ‘togs: Have had request to use one of my snaps (for free, yes) in Scout London magazine. Any opinions?
Right. Yes. Erm. Work. I’ll have to think about #bristolmayor later. Maybe I’ll decide over lunch.
@RamonYouseph Good for me. Anything new, interesting and cafe-ish opened up recently you want to try?
@RamonYouseph …and yes. How about next week sometime?
@RamonYouseph I didn’t post the “after” pic. Besides, if I’m patching a patch, that would suggest I didn’t do a great job last time…
@MrGreenGus Labour did a citywide leaflet? Not as far as my front door, they didn’t…
@andybeebristol @garycasamojo @talkie_tim Maybe I’m in Clifton-Under-Edge? #hotwells
@lilibaloo Huh?
Well, that was an annoying job. But at least my change no longer falls down my trouser leg when I put it in my pocket. #moneysavingtip
Patching a patch. Damnit. instagr.am/p/SC6V7spC1v/
@garycasamojo @talkie_tim Personally, I live in Very West Kensington.
@JamesCridland Oooh, there’s a keyboard update? I didn’t notice, because I’m using a third-party keyboard. Will go back to standard to try.
@jamiembrown (and my own grasp of grammar probably stems from being sent to grammar school by parents who met in the Young Conservatives!)
@jamiembrown …so it seems a bit of a shame to rule them out of office based on my own prejudices.
@jamiembrown Generally, yes. Always, no. I know several highly-competent people who can’t put an apostrophe in the right place…
Repeats to self: *I must _not_ let the poor grammar in a candidate’s blog swing my vote* *I must not let…* #bristolmayor #pedant
@MsMottram I think it must.
@hayles @chubbybannister Ta!
@hayles @chubbybannister Aha! Maybe he changed it. I remember the other one, plus it’s first Google hit. Oh well…
@archidave Clifton seems to love GF, though. Keep seeing his face on posters up there.

@chubbybannister @hayles Am I getting the username wrong? I’m using CllrJonRogers; definitely says it’s protected. pic.twitter.com/dPmuOAFh
@hayles What happened to Dr Jon’s Twitter? Sure it used to be unprotected…
@tsunimee No, my girlfriend is not leafleting me :D Sorry, I didn’t have space to hashtag that one as a “bristolmayor” tweet.
Wondering whether I only got leaflets from GF because he spent more money, or because no other candidate knows where Hotwells is.
Still floating on #bristolmayor.