@MrGreenGus It’s worth it. My new oven rocks.
Bristol_Insight Terrible news that Bristol Ferry Boats are in liquidation. A Bristol icon for over 35 years - you’ll be sadly, sadly missed!!

@markeebee @EffBeeee Maybe. This is how mine looks, if it helps. Being Android, you could install another keyboard… pic.twitter.com/LTt0Tx6P
@archidave I’m planning on chaining a bishop to it.
@EffBeeee @markeebee Depends. On this thing, I hit ?123 button to switch to symbols, then hold down quote key until “extras” pop up.
@stevemarvell @KaveyF That’s more than I can, usually…
@stevemarvell @KaveyF You’ve been watching too much CSI. Can barely see the thing that are in shot on the Nexus 7 camera…
I’m preparing to get steaming. instagr.am/p/SQzphEJC7e/
@stevemarvell @KaveyF Yes. It’s entirely wrong to twitpic from the bath. You should be using Instagram. instagram.com/p/Nnr9XxJC_C/
@Thehappyfatgirl What, on the splashback?
@liveindetail I’ll have to watch that later. I’m being bandwidth throttled under a fair usage policy at the moment! #toomanyvideodownloads
@Thehappyfatgirl The splashback. Though now it’s in, I could do with accessorising it. Maybe a couple of plant pots in the same red…
@liveindetail That’s not a spatula! #FishSliceDebate
Hurrah! The last piece of the kitchen is in place. instagr.am/p/SQxVMfJC55/
Procycling_mag Hey cyclists… watch this terrifying video showing a lorry’s blind spot, then never undertake one again. youtube.com/watch?v=wzL0Ky…
@DrHairbear Presumably this is a good thing (new diagnosis?)
(That last RT for help is ColdFusion/PHP interface related, by the way…)
20thCFlicks Any database afficionados out there willing to help us out with a problem? Free movies, a bit of money and glory await you. Get in touch!
@20thCFlicks Sadly, I’m entirely unfamiliar with ColdFusion. Oh well…
@20thCFlicks Any particular database?
@Mouse_House Wow. I didn’t even know that owls had wrists.
@mattgemmell Although, come to think of it, the deification of science fiction writers hasn’t got that great a history, so far.
@mattgemmell Good enough for me. And Roddenberry was launched into space, right? ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY TREK-WRITER-GOD IN THE SKY.
@mattgemmell Pretty sure that proves the existence of a Trek-loving sky fairy.
On today’s plus side: the finishing touch for my new kitchen is now in my hall, awaiting this evening’s call from a fitter. #splashbacknews
@stebax Well, it would’ve been a nice healthy death, at least.
@guriben What, for Objective C? I’m not sure there’s much in it…
I think someone may need to reboot the supermarket.
@ahnlak Don’t. This week is driving me to drink already.
[@johnfbraun [yep luckily]]
@johnfbraun Having an annoying time learning Objective C, in fact. Tea will simply be administered as a learning anaesthetic.
Tea. Definitely need tea. TEA!
@guriben Might still swap you. I’m writing hangman for iOS to give myself some platform practice. Feels very back-to-school-in-short-trews.
@joeugh Let me know if you find something that works. I’ve tried a few things, but I normally just end up buying a new strap every year.