@mhoulden Why not? Where’s your commitment, man? @getrunningapp
@guriben Helmet.
talkie_tim Lady, unless your ticket says “My Butt”, you ain’t gonna reach your destination any quicker by crowding me in the queue. #personalspace
@WTF4Photography @stillawake BREAKING: “Matt’s brilliant”, say local people. In other news: everyone else still sucks. #fact
@stillawake @WTF4Photography Really not a big fan of the (mostly LibDem, it seems) fake newspaper tactic.
More stuff through my letterbox from George Ferguson. Don’t think I’ve had a thing from any other candidate. #bristolmayor
Downloading ALL OF THE THINGS. *taps fingers impatiently*
Ah. My “new follower” emails have randomly stopped again. Sorry to anyone I hadn’t noticed yet.
@KaveyF “Further to our spam of the 3rd inst., we are disappointed not to be showering ourselves in your money…”
Yes, Blue Lagoon. And I love the Gloucester Road, too. cafetypography.tumblr.com/image/35633739…
@tiny_teapot @bighairyattart Much as I’d love to, I’m trying to lose some weight at the mo. Best leave it at the sarnie…
Wasn’t going to have lunch out. Then remembered I’d be passing Tart. @ Tart instagr.am/p/R-EZW5JC3E/