Home, after an entertaining diversion around the bottom of Whiteladies Road, currently closed due to flooding…
Oof. Full of food from Thai Edge.
Sweet Lips. Apparently. instagr.am/p/SWC9KipC6A/
This is Bristol. instagr.am/p/SV_4oapC2A/
@ratsass if you see Princess Victoria Street passing by later…
Not sure this Is the best time to *put up* the big sail-like advertising canvas on your scaffolding, Premier. #bristol
@Thehappyfatgirl Always welcome to pop in for a cuppa :D
@Thehappyfatgirl *keeps very quiet*
@DrHairbear So far the worst I’ve experienced is extremely frenetic wind chimes in Clifton Village. Have full waterproofs with me in case…
Hrm. Might be time to head out for lunch before the weather gets any worse…
@Easybourne Novel!
@R2UK @ahnlak :D
@ahnlak Aww, sweet. Wave “hi” to Bungle for me.
Coding to Fairport Convention. I could get used to this.
@doctorow Surely that’s a temporary redirect…
Morning all. I am standing to attention. No, no, because the Queen’s visiting Bristol. Filthy minds, the lot of you.
@Easybourne Morning! Hope your journey’s better today. If you see the Queen at Temple Meads, give her a wave from me.
This might be a good morning for battening down hatches in Bristol, if you happen to have either hatches or battens.
fergieweather W COUNTRY Heaviest rain, torrential in places for a (limited) time, expected M5 corridor & Bristol into eve rush-hour with squally winds…