@Thehappyfatgirl Evenin’.
@ahnlak Maybe Encore for cheaper. Dunno though.
@ahnlak Squier Stratocaster. Haven’t looked at the range for while, but that’s where I’d start. Can often get guitar + amp combo deal.
Roight. Off to @wshed for gossipy Friday lunch. Hurrah!
jackseale Man uses pregnancy test, gets a positive; his friend posts to Reddit, which accurately diagnoses cancer: boingboing.net/2012/11/08/pos… /via @antiroom
@currybet We should club together and have big one. Let’s rent the London Eye and have clowns juggle flaming Christmas puddings on each pod.
@ArryMatt I wouldn’t object if it looked like there was an audience for it. I like the MS dev environments. Would mean buying PC, though!
@ArryMatt Just learning at the moment.
Right. Back to the iPhone development, then…
@claireellent Happy birthday to you/ Happy birthday to you/ Happy biiiiirth-day dear Claire/ Happy birthday to you!
@Mouse_House …so most people who do that are then talking into the wrong end.
@Mouse_House Also: on iPhone, it normally achieves *worse* than nothing. iPhone switches to top microphone when in speaker mode…
@Mouse_House I blame The Apprentice.
@MasterKoj I bet her cupcakes taste of regret.
@Thehappyfatgirl What? No, just friends.
@Thehappyfatgirl No, we just hang out a lot.

supercujo R.I.P. Computer Science pic.twitter.com/VuUigxRl
Oof. Up early, for a change. Not sure I like it.
@Thehappyfatgirl She normally cooks for us; just a bit of role-reversal tonight.