@hayles @BlackDogDays Well, it seems a more attackable attribute than age, sex or colour, given that it’s at least somewhat voluntary.
*Puts on old episode of Stargate:SG1 like a pair of comfy old geek slippers*
marco_org → What happens when a Twitter client hits the token limit marco.org/2012/11/16/twi…
@ShabbyBean Nice one!
@jesspants Enjoy the anticipation :) Hope your lunch is good!
Sorted. instagr.am/p/SGby4JpC0S/

Cookity-cook. pic.twitter.com/y0lNpazK
How the Star Wars Deal Went Down: thedoghousediaries.com/4725
@guriben ;)
@guriben It would set you back a bit. chicagomusicexchange.com/bass/more/b-c-…
@guriben *eyes up old iMacs and other tat* *Considers a Telecaster*
@guriben Sadly, my guitar-buying funds have been somewhat lacking since I added a lens-buying habit into the mix.
Just off-camera, a man furiously rubs the thighs of his red trousers. #bristolmayor
@ahnlak My suspicion is that those sites are also the kind of site that stores your password in plain text. #doingitwrong
@guriben You should rationalise your collection into a single 20-string bass. #subsubsonic
@guriben ROCKITIS!
@guriben Flo wasn’t alone.
patrickavale anyone know best vantage point of city in Dublin, Cardiff and Belfast? thanks!
@emmafurious Well, the vast majority of Bristol did fuck all, it seems.
@njj4 …could also donate anonymously through CAF account. Really must set up same for self on my shiny new limited company.
@njj4 Old firm used to do GAYE scheme into CAF account — so money regularly earmarked for charity, then gave when I wanted.
@RamonYouseph @hayles Presumably they’ve run the numbers and it works. Just sucks if you’re one of apparent minority who hates the approach.
Lunchtime. Scotch egg from @sourcefoodcafe. Now I must try to resist picking up the new Iain M Banks novel, lest I slack all afternoon.
God, I hate those annual scripted calls from charities trying to get me to bump up my sub. *considers cancelling entirely* #cringe
This being my favourite so far: pccspoil.tumblr.com/image/35808703…
BBCDomC Someone’s launched a tumblr blog for pictures of spoilt ballot papers … pccspoil.tumblr.com
@hayles Well, it was sort of what I was expecting.
@lauzajane Trusht your inshticts, Luke.
Gypo8008 Look closely, see anything strange about this? instagr.am/p/SFvbg2Ss2I/
@EffBeeee :)
@EffBeeee Yes!
@EffBeeee Well, that’s better than being enemies with them :D
@EffBeeee (Or at least, “just” friendships.)
@EffBeeee Both. I like having close female friends. I just don’t want *all* of my relationships with women to be friendships.
@EffBeeee Mine was lose weight, get out more, actively look for dates as opposed to friendship (I’ve tendency to head for “friend zone”)
@EffBeeee Your plan for dealing with it isn’t a long way off mine, either. Though mine is less bullet-y. Mine’s not working bad so far.
@EffBeeee I’ve tried both, and I’d say the latter. Or that it’s just as depressing as the former, but someone else might get hurt too…

Colvinius Barack Obama: comfortable in his skin, but also blessed with a very fine White House photographer: imgur.com/a/X6186
via @lesposen
@Mouse_House Aren’t we ALL children in need? #deep
@hayles I feel like that, and I got six hours. Bah.
GeorgeFergusonx Wow - please don’t get too excited by that #BristolMayor exit poll - statistically miniscule sample of 0.04% and only 4 polling stations.
@Mouse_House 1) Swallow whole. 2) Go to work.
BBCBristol Turnout in mayoral election 28% bbc.in/ZEUtP5 #bristol