Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 2nd, 2012

joiezabel well, @theindelicates are up to their brilliant musical tricks again AND their structure puts Kickstarter to shame.…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:56 PM, Oct 2nd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@helloemsy Pretty much. Though if you hold the zap button too long, there can be a scent of burning mozzie. Better than wall stain, though.

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@helloemsy Zappy racquet a lot tidier. Got mine from Clifton Hardware; also seen ‘em in Robert Dyas.

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@helloemsy Me too. I got one of those electric tennis racquet-style zappers at @Dru_Marland’s recommendation. Excellent weaponry.

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@chris_j_hughes Really? Should just be a “Get more episodes…” button below each podcast’s episode list.

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elleryface Local journos: choose your words carefully, please.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:15 PM, Oct 2nd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Indiechops Sorry; all my gear’s Apple these days, so I just take it to them.

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@chris_j_hughes If you download the podcasts app, they’ll probably jump over there. Also, you probs can’t download new episodes.

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The bureaucracy and sheer amount of typing involved in upgrading a mobile phone contract in a shop rivals that of boarding a plane.

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@BradleyLaw I asked him how many people had walked through his wet screed. Apparently cats are the biggest danger :)

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I can confirm that First don’t have the monopoly on grumpy bus drivers in Bristol. Thanks for that, Wessex Connect.

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A man is having fun with latex in my kitchen.

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Right. Have now officially taken morning off. Time to process photos while I wait for a call back from the flooring people.

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@jbrownridge (Is it being done by their DNS?)

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@Malarkey I only have to go as far as the mirror for that. Now where the hell did I put that Remington thing…

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@OpinionatedGeek And I still didn’t find what I was looking for.

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Ooops. I keep on typing into the “tweet” box when I mean to type into the “search” box :)

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@DrHairbear Is it possible that it’s your memory that’s the problem, and not your abdomen?

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@stillawake I only had decaf in the house :(

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Today I will mostly be waiting in for someone who’s going to level my kitchen floor. Or slightly-less-unlevel it, at least.

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Slept well. Still tired. Bah.

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@guriben Yes. Getting out of bed definitely is.

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