@hayles Cool, ta.
@hayles May have to buy an album (yes, I’m old-fashioned) at some point — any recommendations?
@hayles Don’t really know her stuff, but her live shows are so good that friends tend to post enthusiastic links. Her Glasto set was amazing
@hayles What’s wrong with that? Someone pointed me at the MTV vid awards live version of Paparazzi earlier on. She certainly puts on a show!
Loved this sign in St. Nicholas Market earlier on: http://flic.kr/p/6YXiy4
@tsunimee Nope, just had the latte. Did, however, bring a slice of cake home with me for dessert :)
Oh, yes, I should probably have lunch, shouldn’t I?
@joannadelilah Cool! Well, go see my friend Emmeline for tea/bagel/cake and we may bump into each other sometime ;) [end shameless plug]
@shezza_t One cake pic. Sort of ;) http://twitpic.com/hxdt5
Chilling with my friend Emmeline in her cafe/bakery in St. Nick’s Market
In town for Alexander Technique lesson.
*Yawn* *Stretch*