Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 30th, 2009

@marklesuk If I’m going to move, I may have to go cable. Would like better upstream speed than ADSL would prob. offer in this area.

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Happy birthday to you/
Happy birthday to you/
Happy birthday dear @KaveyF/
Happy birthday to you!

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@Narshada now I know you’re there I may pop along. Only been in the Bristol Apple Store twice, though; much closer to Western Computers…

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@Narshada goodness! So, we waited years for one and now two are coming along at once? ;)

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@Whatleydude well, was very glad I did it on my old N73… Goodbye, elderly, bug-ridden Vodafone firmware…

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@Whatleydude ah. Because the customer is always wrong.

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Hmm. Looks like my Internet has gone away. Demon , I wonder?

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@KaveyF Think they’re averaging less than one failure a year for me, so the inertia factor is still quite strong.

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@bexxi I think you have to take suspension of disbelief pretty damn far for either plot!

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Anyway. Not like I don’t have several hours of stuff I can do sans internet. “Tidy lounge” on my to-do list, for starters…

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@shezza_t Yes, well, when I say “sans internet”, clearly I still have rather an overabundance of it. But I’m going to take it as a hint :)

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@missmcq I was just thinking earlier on how much I love Billy Bragg. Was listening to The Busy Girl Buys Beauty.

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Someone appears to have left a dead tree called the “Yellow Pages” on my doorstep. Have they not heard of the web?

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Hmm. Probably shouldn’t have chosen Casino Royale as my while-tidying film. Total bollocks, but still too gripping for me to finish tidying.

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Right time for bed. Too many late nights already this week.

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@bexxi Craig. Don’t think I’ve ever survived to the end of the Sellers one.

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