@hayles *hug*
@KaveyF Heh. That may be true for things that I can use my brain for. Things that I have to use muscles for is another matter :)
@Phooto Yup, audio’s working fine. I’m running XP, mind.
@KaveyF You didn’t think I was actually running a half-marathon? That’s very complimentary, but I’ve only been running for 6 weeks!
@asic69 I find that right clicking works just fine. Don’t know if you might need to install the Guest Additions (from one of the VBox menus)
@KaveyF I wasn’t in that marathon clip, dear.
Did they actually pass a law in the 80s that every episode of every TV show had to finish on a slightly forced one-liner?
How I’ve been spending my morning: http://bit.ly/MX3pP . Also: Matt in tweeted-video-actually-made-public shocker.
@TheLloydClan Cool! Looks like everyone was doing pretty well when I watched! Let me know how he got on!
Looks like a fab day for the Bristol half marathon!