@KaveyF looking very like Friday. Slightly dependent on me getting new tyre tomorrow!
@stevemarvell Not for quite some time, I’d think. Lots to process, too little time. Will probably throw a couple up, though…
Home, sweet home. And now for a very long bath.
Couples gather shells/Slight give of sand under foot/Paignton in Autumn
Some shots are, of course, obligatory for the seaside photographer. http://twitpic.com/itdyf
Pullman-tastic! http://twitpic.com/ita8p
Actually on a steam train this morning. Will try getting into the Pullman observation car on way back to post some pics :)
@tsunimee Bright colours, bad fonts, effects: instant. Muted colours, block sans: average espresso. Stylish hand-chalked: good espresso.
Pre-judging the quality of a coffee shop’s coffee by their storefront typography works surprisingly well.
Taking @ememess’s advice to heart: if you wake up near the sea, it’s a criminal offence not to walk the shore in the morning.
Well, it wouldn’t be a British seaside holiday without clouds! http://twitpic.com/iszz5