Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 11th, 2009

Out of work and on the boat home for a much-needed freshen-up. Then a pleasant evening awaits!

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Mmm. Crispy bacon and scrambled egg.

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Just passed a kid carrying a skateboard longer than he was tall. Sweet.

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@WilHarris Until I hear otherwise, I’m assuming Apple has a database of which screen we put which iPhone app on, to get real ratings!

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Looks like @organicfoodfest is all set up ready for the weekend!

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Autumn morning girl/The scent of fresh cosmetics/Drifting in her wake

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@hackery But they can’t do that! I was just granted a worldwide patent on the completely non-obvious idea of “using bigger fonts”!

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@DWDVDFiles I really like Remembrance. Although Silver Nemesis was the same story with different villains :)

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@DWDVDFiles Yup. Good fun, and some good characters, too.Definitely worth watching (I only have it on video now, and lack a player!)

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@bexxi More than wobbly; almost liquid. No idea about how it was done.

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Playing with LOMO Camera for iPhone

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Right. Off to Bell’s DIner.

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@Juggzy @talkie_tim Yes indeed. Went for 2-hour egg, duck, brioches. Now on petit fours:

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Wow. Bell’s Diner was pretty damn fantastic. I nearly overheated by the end, mind, but it was worth it. Sure @KaveyF will blog about it :)

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@bexxi 2-hour poached egg/salmon tartar, Gressingham duck, brioche with mirabelle de nancy… :)

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@KellyJanner I’ve no idea. But it works bloody well. I guess “very, very gently” is probably most of the answer :)

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@bananza Video or still? Tried the uploadr tool instead of the web interface?

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@bexxi @KellyJanner Heck, yes. Amazingly even consistency all the way through, _just_ done.

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