@tsunimee I am glad to have my ducky in your folder.
@tsunimee Heh. I have no idea. Apart from following me on Twitter :)
@tsunimee No, that was just a Twitter pic. Sorry!
@tsunimee …so use that for now, and let’s hope it doesn’t disappear :)
@tsunimee Instagram don’t provide an RSS feed. I just signed up for this (unofficial) service that provides one: instagram.heroku.com/users/gothick
@johnfbraun I’m going to start dropping depth charges soon.
@benjohnbarnes I’m sure Angry Birds would work well on a head-up display. Motorways are pretty dull.
@benjohnbarnes We were talking about this the other day, weren’t we? bit.ly/I5UxLk
@LeaVerou Yeah. Greek Orthodox has different Easter rules.
@KaveyF I’m not sure I want to know why you need a pot of Vaseline and a wooden spoon.
@theshinythings Thank you. *downs half a pint in one swallow*
@hayles Oh yeah.
@hayles Yes, I can confirm that quite large stacks of Amazon boxes get recycled here regularly. *stares forlornly at bank statement*
@hayles Only thing I’ve seen like that’s been tetrapak-style waxed/plasticised board. Stuff that looks like normal cardboard disappears ok.
@theshinythings Various tech issues stopping me working, for hours. And no end in sight.
@hayles Mine’s been getting taken away. You had long-term issues, or might it be Easter disruption?
@seengee City Car Club looked good if you take short trips and return the car quickly. Didn’t really fit for my usage, sadly.
*smacks networks with a stick* *gives up*
alloy This is the ONLY thing that buttons should do. *EVER*. gizmodo.com/5901035/what-h…
@chris_j_hughes Nope, no response. It’s like I can’t get a packet of any kind back.
@bexxi Hexcellent. Thanks!
@chris_j_hughes Yup.
@BlackDogDays If you can replace it with this version: dl.dropbox.com/u/838327/Throw… things might start working better, I think.
@Jorence @BlackDogDays Sideways on both on desktop Echofon. Something is ignoring the image rotation metadata. skitch.com/e-gothick/81jj…
@BlackDogDays Hang on. Your avatar is sideways now. *turns head*
What should I be doing? Working. What am I doing? Buying a new router. #techfail
@benjohnbarnes I’m home. My ADSL, however, is not. Sorry!

@tsunimee Rivulets of water pour off his smooth, round head. pic.twitter.com/WmzLPciR
@BlackDogDays Next time, you can pick a cafe with space and I’ll jog to you :) I’m halfway home; need my shower!
Too orangey for crows. instagr.am/p/JR86S0JC8E/
@BlackDogDays Hey! What, no knocking and waving!?
@mattgemmell To maintain a coherent front with standard Mac Help? Sure it used to work faster than walking to a library.
I think @BTPcafes could make metric coffee-ordering sexy. “A point three-four-oh kilolatte, please.”
@MissEmmeline Yup!
@stillawake @BTPcafes 20oz? So you can get some backstroke in while you’re drinking?
themiltonjones 100 years since my great grandfather tested his motorised iceberg.
@MissEmmeline Sounds good to me. *hug*
@tsunimee :) I would do a post-run snap, but I probably look a bit like a beetroot right now.
Idly wondering why @BTPcafes started sizing their cups in ounces. Remember ounces being phased out when I was at school…
(That retweet specially for @KaveyF :) )
chris_coys Needs more duckface! RT @gothick: Time to road-test the new sunglasses :) instagr.am/p/JRxxdoJC5b/
@BlackDogDays Glad you snapped it! I didn’t want to stop at the time ;)
@BlackDogDays eta 15
@BlackDogDays I’m chancing it. Running 5K round to BTP ;)
@MissRacingSnake :D Ta!
Time to road-test the new sunglasses :) instagr.am/p/JRxxdoJC5b/
@BenPark Five at most, I’d say.
Hrm. I think the server I’m using just went down. This may be a good time to go for a jog.
@benjohnbarnes Ah, cool. Yeah, should be back home 2pm-ish onwards?