Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 15th, 2012

@Mouse_House I’m back doing a 9-to-5 in an office tomorrow (short-term, thank gawd.) Also feeling like insomnia might strike. Hope not.

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@ahnlak Yur. They seem like a good supplier; I might mail them and just say “what’s like the Elf, only a good screen?”

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@Phooto @ahnlak The combination access point and xylophone? Hipster.

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@ahnlak I have no idea. Join me in the current decade and get a Mi-Fi :D

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@ahnlak From here: — quick delivery, good info on new stock dates. Bunged in a US adapter for the charger.

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@tsunimee There are many things I think but don’t say because it’s a bit rude. That is not one of them.

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@ahnlak If I could get one with a nicer screen for £50-£100 more, I would actually consider it for real life use, rather than testing.

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@ahnlak …for £120, I think it’s actually quite good value for money. And I only wanted it for testing, anyway.

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@ahnlak Screen is quite crap. Some apps incompatible, though may be able to work around with different firmware; haven’t tried. But…

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@asic69 Wouldn’t you prefer to join me in the Ainol Tablet club? :D

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Time for coffee with @MissEmmeline soon :)

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