Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 12th, 2012

@xabl My mind was going in some odd directions there.

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@Jorence Is it the news about the microphyta, or the Jim Halen story?

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@stillawake Yay! Official-looking tat spam!

via Echofon in reply to stillawake

@alexjbutcher I sometimes use the MacBook Air when out and about. Think that covers my occasional need.

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@alexjbutcher I can’t see a case where I’d want to edit on a tablet rather than on big calibrated monitor with Lightroom.

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@alexjbutcher I suppose it’s possible I’ll use this tablet for something other than testing, but I can’t think what.

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@alexjbutcher …which I keep on hearing quite good things about.

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@alexjbutcher I’ve got the 5” Samsung Galaxy Wi-Fi, and it’s actually not a bad size. Think it’s the same form factor as the Note…

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@alexjbutcher I just want to make sure my apps work for people who *are* excited about them :)

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@alexjbutcher I don’t seem to have much need for a tablet in my life, so it’s hard to get too excited about them.

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(Yay! Another opportunity to play “how have they annoyingly broken podcast syncing *this* time, for Christ’s sake?”)

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MacworldUK Apple has begun internally seeding 11, the next major release of iTunes for Mac and PC…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 2:46 PM, Apr 12th, 2012 via Echofon)

@alexjbutcher …my testing purposes and for the price, so ta for the recommendation!

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@alexjbutcher Screen’s a bit rubbish, and I’ll need to flash the firmware to get volume buttons, but on the whole, great for…

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If you just got a foursquare invite from me, don’t be surprised if I never actually check in. I was just cleaning the app and it went off.

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@psidnell Also, “Cheese Debris” is a good name for a disco covers band.

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@psidnell I wonder if anyone’s still got stock of those things for making used soap leftovers back into a single bit of soap?

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This is why “grated” is not the best format for sandwich cheese.

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It even comes with ainol earbuds. Stop giggling.

via Instagram

RT @guriben: @gothick is that really called “Ainol”? hee hee anal. <— Yup. I believe it’s the Mandarin word for “marketing cock-up”.

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@BlackDogDays Hurrah! You’re the right way up.

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RT @SourdoughCafe: Toastie machine finally died……: ( <— Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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@hayles Ooooh, I’ve never been offered a three-way by a sex site.

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@tweetbot Is there a way of adding *myself* to one of my Lists in Tweetbot?

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RopesToInfinity Some people on here need to stop with the cryptic passive-aggressive tweets.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:50 AM, Apr 12th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)