@tsunimee Heh. Computers. Little bastards.
@tsunimee Well, let’s hope so…
@tsunimee Cool. Definitely worth a try when PCs have their knickers in a twist.
@tsunimee Hrm. When did you last reboot the computer?
@tsunimee Hrm. Well, that all looks fine. Apart from the penis. Damn it.
@tsunimee When you start seeing stars. (Really! You should see what I mean, I hope…)
@tsunimee (Your scary results will look different from my scary results, and that’s nothing to worry about.)
@tsunimee Now “tracert instagr.am”, and gently tap return. It should slowly give scary technical-looking results. skitch.com/e-gothick/8tjt…
@tsunimee Well, that’s a good start. Your computer definitely knows where instagr.am is.
@tsunimee (And yes, I’m afraid Skitch is a Mac app.)
@tsunimee You may gently caress return instead, if that helps.
@tsunimee Kewl. Into scary box, type “nslookup instagr.am”, then hit return, and grab screen for me. skitch.com/e-gothick/8tjq…
@tsunimee It’s the “Search programs and files” box, if that helps.
@tsunimee That should get you a scary black window.
@tsunimee Cool. First, we kick off a command window. Hit the main Windows menu, then type “cmd” in box & hit retuskitch.com/e-gothick/8tjp…DdT2
@tsunimee Right, sweetarina, are you in front of your PC with five minutes to spare?
@tsunimee *You* are never the problem.
@tsunimee I think it’s Windows that’s the problem.
@tsunimee Sorry, no, I’m trying to start Windows here so I can talk you through doing something, but it’s very unhappy with me :)
@lilythepurr Sadly, mine are the other way around, which is probably why I’m tubby.
@tsunimee What version of Windows are you running?
@tsunimee What does Chrome say, exactly?
@tsunimee …and works in Safari and Chrome for me, too. Do you get an error message?
@tsunimee Works fine for me in Echofon. skitch.com/e-gothick/8tjy…
@Gt3b You try smiling in a self-portrait and see how sincere it comes out!
@MrGreenGus @pearcafe Nice!
@tsunimee Pricey for IKEA stuff, but it’s solid and heavy and well put together. And if you ding the shade it rings like a bell :)
@tsunimee Me too. IKEA “Barometer”.
@pearcafe If I’d found a hot cross bun today, maybe I would be. I only ventured as far as Somerfield, who’d forgotten it was Easter.

@tsunimee @ahnlak Behold my incredibly tidy workspace. Not. Left: 1920x1080. Right: 1440x900. (This time, *with* pic!) pic.twitter.com/hdJQpidU
@BenPark But I agree with whoever in that article said it made more sense to block only the end of the street where the cafes are.
@BenPark Basically, they’ve had ugly barriers that are being replaced by telescoping bollards at the WHSmith corner.
@BenPark It does seem more sensible to block it on the corner where those fences are, and *not* the end where bollards are going in, though.
@BenPark Yeah. Like I say, I dunno. But as I generally use the cafes but not the furniture shops, it works for me, at least :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Not now, dear; I’ve got a headache.
@BenPark …that might attract more people who wouldn’t have looked down there. Dunno, though.
@BenPark I’d think that now it’s set up with cafe tables out in the street (that’s only started happening last few weeks)…
@BenPark Depends how much people collect, I guess. I never saw anyone load a car there, but that’s not exactly statistically significant!
@BenPark Aha. More info: thisisbristol.co.uk/Unsightly-clos…
@BenPark It’s being made permanent, I think. Lots of roadworks at end of street still; not sure exactly how it’ll end up.

@BenPark There’s always been car access to the end; it’s now completely blocked off: pic.twitter.com/3JOWxtN9
@ahnlak Yup. It’s mostly youngsters that do it, you’re right :D

Pedestrianising the bit outside Clifton Arcade creates a nice new chilled-out bit of Clifton Village. Ace. #bristol pic.twitter.com/Gsu5jQK1
Ouch. Did I just confuse “your” and “you’re”, or was it autocorrect? Bad Matt!
@Rosemarino1 No need for apologies! Not you’re fault I’m wandering round with a hangover and very little grasp of time :) Next time!
Bless you, Primrose Cafe. Breakfast on the way :)
Damn. Denied a late lunch in Rosemarino. If I’d known they stopped serving at 3 I’d have moved faster!
@tsunimee @ahnlak Dunno, I’d have to check at home. But it’s an iMac with an HP 19” monitor next to it.
@tsunimee Yes. But I wouldn’t want to use it all the time. I normally work at home on non-laptop; the lappy’s for cafe use, couple hours max
@tsunimee 1366x768.
@tsunimee Oh, hang on.
@tsunimee To lose weight.
@KirstyHigginson Oh, gawd, yes. But you are quite a long way away. I may have to stick to original plan and clamber up the hill to the cafe.
@tsunimee Some of us only have an 11” laptop #laptopenvy
Think I may need to go buy hot cross buns.
@benjohnbarnes Oop, yep, sorry. Post-party recovery day :)