Codin’, codin’, codin’.
@stillawake Ta :)
@guriben Good to hear.
@guriben Good. How’s it feeling, overall? The doc was very positive, right?
@hayles I invented cotton.
@guriben Expectedly, I hope?
Rush hour rain
Just posted a photo
@hayles @stillawake Ironically, I’ve had lunch twice this week with someone who works in Queen Square, but we’ve not been.
@hayles Yeah. I think the rain and my current two-jobs lifestyle aren’t helping.
@MissEmmeline What’s that? No, don’t remember you mentioning it… :D
*Heh* @MissEmmeline just dropped her umbrella on the Lord Mayor :) #random
@tsunimee @ahnlak @LodzTBB @MidnightDraven Probably because I’ve only used Windows 7 for about 3 hours :) They’re still on XP at work…

Hmm. Reminds me of me, snowboarding.