Battenberg Cake #ukandroidversions
@archidave Probably nothing, if you’re not into Android. This may help explain things:…
@liveindetail @Thehappyfatgirl I’ve never started a trend in my life. It’s unlikely I’ll start now…
Eton Mess #ukandroidversions
@Thehappyfatgirl @liveindetail Excellent!
@liveindetail 99 Flake! #ukandroidversions
Deep-Fried Mars Bar #ukandroidversions
DanRebellato When you get off a crowded tube train and push through the commuters, does anyone else repeatedly say “no comment”? Checking for a friend.
@Nose_in_a_book @hayles @Jorence Sadly it didn’t last long. Now at work. *sigh*
@slicknic Not bad for the wallet, either ;) I’m generally quite re-employable, so I must be doing something right.
@slicknic Kinda. Ten-week contract at my previous place of work.
On the plus side, the new Doc Martens I bought for work appear to stand up very well to rain.
@KeithGough1 Ooopsie. Though presumably your station has a roof? I’m bloody soaked.
@MissEmmeline Need to do some work before work. And leaving a bit early because I’m seeing Tara at 5 ;)
Hanging out with the Baristas. @ Baristas Coffee
Ugh. I am waiting in a bus shelter. Not because I need a bus, but because I need shelter. #aprilshowers #commuting #argh