@MandinaM Arseburgers. Trust your instincts. Shoot what you love. Keep doing it. See what develops.
@MandinaM Screw technically perfect. The best photographers weren’t technically perfect until they *defined* technically perfect.
@hayles @bamblesquatch Huh? *innocent look*
@MandinaM Yup. Just keep taking photos. That’s pretty much the way to get better at doing it, right there.
@laurenlaverne SHE IS BACK! ONLY @caitlinmoran CAN SAVE TEH INTARNETZ.
@MandinaM Kewl! Enjoy!
@MandinaM Indeed. Most of our conversations seem to happen when we’re both *meant* to be in bed…
@codepo8 @RellyAB But I admit, I heard “launching new thing” and immediately imagined obstetrics and a catapult. Sorry.
@hayles :D Fab, innit?
For some reason, I find myself nostalgic for Independent Woman, played by kittens. rathergood.com/independent_wo…
@hayles I am suspicious of suited me, too. It is not a look I rock either often, or well. Do my best for the necessary occasions, though :)
Tiredmatt. #snore
@BlackDogDays Hey! @ShabbyBean and Steph and Mike and Jess say hi :D
@PeteWilliams Aye did.
Woo! Taxi home. There’s a rare luxury :D
Wanderin’ home from the wedding. Was good.
@weirdoldhattie It’s an Encore copy, too. Truly through the looking glass :)
@PeteWilliams I’m now at a wedding, hence the outfit :)
@BlackDogDays @Jorence No it’s not. Much more cheered for this wedding now! :)

Just waved at a passing @BlackDogDays :D pic.twitter.com/RocsIpEy
@BlackDogDays the blue and yellows go quicker, apparently :)
@BlackDogDays iPhone camera at the ready…
Yay! On a boat. And apparently sharing the harbour with @BlackDogDays, too.
@BlackDogDays Aha! I just did, but on the blue & yellow!
Hoping @BristolFerry is running today. *Scans horizon*
@ArryMatt It’s really hard to do a sincere smile in a self-portrait!
@guriben My life is safe. It’s an Encore copy of a Fender Precision.
@utterben Ta :)

Scrubbed up. pic.twitter.com/XECk2jFU
@BenPark Call em up and ask for one? Number in my leaflet is 922 2100. I’ve found the phone approach works quite well with council.
@danfairs My mum was a proof-reader. It seems to in the blood, for better or for worse.
@chris_j_hughes 11” Air.
@danfairs Cool! Will check out. (Your h1 tag says “Secondy Sync”, mind; noticed because I Instapapered the site…)
Attempting to cheer myself up with a Miramichi and a mocha. instagr.am/p/JCU5-epC3k/
Feeling grumpy, and battling Android isn’t helping. Nor is the crick in my neck. Bah. Need to cheer up for wedding this afternoon.
Sodding Android emulator.
#geek Heh. What do *you* use for a commit message when you’ve no idea what you’re committing? @LeaVerou asks: lea.verou.me/2012/04/git-co…