@liveindetail @stillawake :D
@shezza_t Not sure I knew him. I was a latecomer, really.
Awesome sharey straws! instagr.am/p/JacheMpC0E/
@stillawake “The Curry Place”, Swindon. Visiting my bestest friend for her birthday meal.

Jaf long. Kewl. pic.twitter.com/2T32Ue2r
@xabl I don’t know. It apparently involves boiled egg and pineapple. I’m going to try it anyway.

I am sitting next to the Zorro of Indian restaurants. Apparently. pic.twitter.com/73dTzTYj
“@iphonefool: @gothick says I never tweet so this one is for him.” <— I’m going to order an onion bhaji specially to throw at you.
I’m having the JAF Long. I don’t know what it is yet. instagr.am/p/JaNeuipC-Y/
Busy. Tired. Might get some sleep sometime around Thursday. Ack.