@hayles If I’d know this was going to be your tweet theme for the evening, I’d have downloaded the “Stripper” music earlier.
@ahnlak In that case, I need to monetise. Here, have some adverts for whisky and cake.
@ahnlak (Wind back to Spring 2011 on that site for the full course, or follow along with the current one as it rolls :) )
@ahnlak Plus the videos from Harvard Extension School’s E-75 course are really good. cs76.tv/2012/spring/
@ahnlak Google docs, stackoverflow.com, commonsware.com.
@PrisRosen There must be something in the air this week. Nice one!
@Jorence @theshinythings Cool!

@BradleyLaw it would take a while to download this lot, including DVD, and it wouldn’t be as pretty ;) pic.twitter.com/8vsQYShK

Might finally have a chance for a listen to a new CD tonight. #fotn pic.twitter.com/IhEASpXI
I think I may take the evening off. Yes, kitchen, you will have to remain messy. Suck it up.
lazyatom Waitrose is the new Black Mesa @ Waitrose instagr.am/p/JkZpaIJf8J/
Out of work at 5, now sitting in Baristas with a chai latte listening to Dire Straits on the stereo. Instant chill :D
@ollieflips “Riiight. That’s good, then,” he said, slowly backing away from his keyboard.
@ollieflips *looks around, worriedly*
@t_pk @waiyeehong @hayles @Bristol_Culture Ah. So the one five minutes’ walk from my current office will still be there? ;)
@Mouse_House Good morning. If I see a woman with a big knife at a bus stop this morning, I will smile and wave. From a distance.
@hayles @Bristol_Culture Also, I’ve been back in city centre office for two days. Nobody’s mentioned mayor. Still think it is Twitter jape.
@hayles @Bristol_Culture Magic Roll’s closing? I’ve not even tried them yet!