Where is Jessica Hyde?

Cracking (and crackling) pulled pork at @ZazusKitchen225 pic.twitter.com/FZNEdvbxQn

@downcastapp Spoke too soon. Mine’s dead again. Hey, @Tam_Lin, do we have any feeds in common? pic.twitter.com/0ablXAz79O
@Tam_Lin @downcastapp Oddly, I tried mine again today without doing anything, and now it’s working. Wonder if it’s a particular feed?
@Shonette I imagine he’ll say “MMMM” to himself.
@faerietalefoody “Frequent/Intense Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References”… Sounds like my kind of app :D
@ZinziGraham Yeah, I’ve knocked my usual noon shopping trips back to nearer sunset for the duration. It’s pretty fierce out there…
@guriben Whose?

Ooooh! It’s @meemalee’s Noodle! @Kavey pic.twitter.com/imIvyQsMoJ

RobStewart_ A ‘wor’ of sorts has been declared by Newcastle Brown Ale on Stella Artois judging by this American billboard pic.twitter.com/reuxUQJx99
@bexxi I first came across that word while looking into Kintsugi: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi