@mattgemmell I like RubyMine best out of everything I’ve tried, and I normally share your dislike of Java-based monstrosities.

@samsneed12 This was best/most motivational thing I read when in that situation. Might help. pic.twitter.com/8x9s5OK5Xm
@samsneed12 Does somewhat help if you’ve got a cellar/loft/box room/storage unit :)
@samsneed12 Holding area. Get box. Put stuff you’re not sure about in it. Write date on. In a year, realise you haven’t needed it & throw.
@BinaryBad I take it you’re frustrated by an app that puts its buttons close to the top of the window? (Pocket irritates me like that.)
@BinaryBad Looks like plenty of people have asked, and not got an answer: apple.stackexchange.com/questions/3524…
@BinaryBad I doubt you can. But if it helps you search, you’re probably looking for the menu bar un-hiding delay.
Necessitea. instagram.com/p/q9dHARJC2L/

MResponsively Kitchen #UX: I never know how much spaghetti to use! Introducing the “I could eat a horse” spaghetti measuring tool. pic.twitter.com/dSgCCKpsEt
@MResponsively @pide2001 My belief is that the revenue drives the problem. I do what I can by close-tabbing those as soon as I see them.
@pide2001 @MResponsively Well, yeah, but it’s not about a good user experience, is it? It’s about pageviews and crowbarring more ads in :(
@archidave @guriben @bristol_citizen Yeah, but you wouldn’t have heard of it, would you? IT’S A SECRET.

@downcastapp Mac version beachball-hanging/UI freeze on initial refresh for me. Anything I can do to help you debug? pic.twitter.com/5ayOfU7Wxb
goosefat101 I just accepted a LinkedIn request from my mum. What. Even. Am. I?
@bexxi (Okay, actually another two. I clearly can’t add up today.)
@bexxi Another kilometre and you’d have walked a half-marathon. Get back out there :D

Looks roasting out again. I hear there may be ice cream in Dowry Square today; might be as far as I go. #hotwells pic.twitter.com/x7uDOOxr5R
@guriben @charlie_cat_esq Yup, that’s a Tanglewood.
@guriben @charlie_cat_esq She didn’t make it with porridge in mind; I just fell into the habit of using it for that.

@charlie_cat_esq They make fab presents. I cherish my friend-carved porridge-stirrer :) pic.twitter.com/TCnfHlRNy4