Re-watched Sapphire and Steel. Quite surprised I didn’t have more nightmares as a child.
@Mouse_House I’m surprised you didn’t. I hear angry mums-to-be have pretty fierce superpowers.

LisaMcIntire Why is this happening WORDS HAVE MEANINGS
Yodel driver clearly bemused that I’m not a walking directory of who lives in each flat of street I’m walking down.
Not really selling it today.
@imyke Oh, for Christ’s sake. “” is already taken.
@imyke Perhaps I should write an app which is just a checklist of “todo” apps to try…
@Dru_Marland God, the photo opportunities here are amazing. Do you know any small, brave Chinese men?
@thoshughes @danjamesceo The first sticker I ever put on a Mac:… :)
@ahnlak Water doesn’t tend to linger on this hill!
@ahnlak I have the JOY OF BASEMENTNESS which is never more joyful that on days like this.
I have had ten hours sleep and a coffee. Does anyone have any buildings they need lifting up?
@Phooto I’m doing similar, though I just use the fact of a sunken basement backyard as my “tree” :)
@ahnlak High of 28, apparently.
Hrm. Think I’ll mostly be staying indoors today. Sadly not really built for this weather.
@BabsBat You could probably do quite well in the rental business, too…