@Narshada My last writing teacher said that if an idea was good enough, it’d come back. Of course, he might have a better memory than us.
@ChidgChidg Well, there you go.
Argh! *Rushes about getting the washing in from the line* That was sudden.
What’s this I see in the depths of my crystal ball? Oh, yes, it’s an MP wasting fuck-tons of NHS money.

Independent MP David Tredinnick ‘convinced’ astrology could reduce the strain on NHS ind.pn/1pgMDaR pic.twitter.com/q2HWNsJIjT
@SpikyZebra I’ve got one that seems to have judged “just above Matt’s head height” remarkably well on the steps out of my place. Helpful.
@BristolCouncil @wood5y @bristolparks Cool, thanks. If it’s more helpful, it’s pretty much central on this map: goo.gl/maps/8l0lo

@BristolCouncil @wood5y @bristolparks Can we contract a Belgian bin-emptying team, then? It’s here, if that helps: pic.twitter.com/VUCEGm9ODG
@danielpunkass Got it. Will do, thanks!
@MarkSkinner_ I saw a job advert earlier on, and the first question that sprang to mind was, “But does your office have aircon?”
@danielpunkass Sounds like I should probably go check it out. Don’t think I’ve seriously used a sprite since I had an Acorn Archimedes…
@Souterain My main thought was, “Not enough experience to know they won’t fit *that* into the Pump House car park, though…”

Well done, Bristol. You passed today’s spot quality check. Carry on. pic.twitter.com/mQBSYbdNLd
@makeitmentoring Though I do sometimes pop out to Baristas, Ahh Toots, Woodes, Small Street, and others. That’s a lunchtime treat, though!
@makeitmentoring Much as I’d love to, most of them aren’t open at 6:30, and they’re all a fair way away or up a bloody steep hill…
@makeitmentoring @GeorgeFergusonx Mostly by stumbling into my front room via a coffee and a shower. Which still seems to take an hour…
@hayles @jukesie Ah, I see. I mostly have stuff that they then toast, anyway, so I don’t suffer from that one.

Is this an official @BristolCouncil bin or some kind of Dutch art installation? (nr Avon viewpoint, Cumberland Basin) pic.twitter.com/NzvP7YbKfH
Popped out for lunch. There are worse places to be. instagram.com/p/q3_PAOpCxi/

A truckload of experience. #bristol pic.twitter.com/F4rjGYkg8B

WonderfulEngr When an engineer gets bored pic.twitter.com/eDf4fJboDG
@guriben Happy birthday, dear.
@waiyeehong @stnicksmarket That looks lush. Whereabouts are they?
@liveindetail I imagine that being read GUIDs aloud by a robot isn’t the nicest experience in the world.
@shezza_t It’s very nice.
Dear manufacturers of blue LEDs for cheap electronics: thanks, and all, but if I’m getting a tan at night, they may be a tad too bright?

It is this kind of morning in my lounge. pic.twitter.com/eqw5s5TUNC
@mattgemmell I’ve been tempted, but only because if you’re going to be phished, you want to be phished better than *that*, damn it…
@cabalgata Excuse me, I’m just off to invent an entire new “contents” insurance market…

Kavey Like noodles? Buy this! MT @meemalee: Noodle! is now available on Kindle :) amazon.com/Noodle-Amazing… pic.twitter.com/OxflSgcDBQ

TheOtherBBFC Yes, it’s true. We’re showing SHARK ATTACK 3…ON A BOAT. This boat to be precise.
bristolbadfilmclub.co.uk/2014/07/22/sha… pic.twitter.com/m00pkmv5kT
@jukesie Screw the hipsterness if they do food that well. Now drooling and thinking about focaccia, damn you.
@BristolEating My fave is the wall “clock” in Commercial Rooms which is actually a weathervane readout.
@BristolEating Indeed. Love The Commercial Rooms, too; old enough to remember before it was a Wetherspoons and still had booths…
@BristolEating (Probably helps that when I first came to Bristol I worked on Wine Street, then Broad Street. Lots of opportunity!)
@BristolEating I hardly ever get to a Lounge, so that won’t bother me so much. Always enjoyed drinking in Corn Street’s various interiors!
@BristolEating I recognise that! Did that used to be the pub with the ultra-imaginative name of 31 Corn Street?
Triggertrap Why is the F-stop scale so weird? j.mp/1pPZJuv

@petapixel Your website seems down from here, folks: pic.twitter.com/6KchTLWdVe