Channel4 The Network is watching you… #Utopia returns with a double-bill on Mon 14 / Tue 15 July, 10pm. pic.twitter.com/l1ij9QJURe
@tonystubblebine @liftapp Aha! Thanks. Is that discoverable anywhere sensible from the blog page? i.e. Was I being dumb?
_Enanem_ I’ve got my father’s nose…
I haven’t really, it’s just my thumb between my fingers.
@Clare_Lowe_Art Surely you should at least be able to scream that at the top of your voice?
Hrm. No RSS feed on @liftapp’s blog? *sadface*

repjohnlewis 53 yrs ago today I was released from Parchman Penitentiary after being arrested in Jackson for using “white” restroom pic.twitter.com/9QAI4voo1M
Cleaning a light switch. How do *you* know you’re putting something off?
@SamsungMobileUK S’okay. I filled in the bit of paper instead. But you might want to get your website working.
@AlasdairStuart I’m glad it’s not just me. Frustration every time I try to do any simple thing on that sodding site.

@SamsungUK Trying to register TV. Tried two different browsers now. Just does this. Any ideas? I know serial & model. pic.twitter.com/8cbQ204KIC
@libbymiller Does my data look big in this?
@rustyshelf Yup. Also, I think of it like this: *web* developers have been dealing with terrifying fragmentation for years. Why can’t we?
rustyshelf The Android Screen Fragmentation Myth:
Mail from American Apparel: “We’ve Got Your Summer Dress!” Seems quite unlikely.