@faerietalefoody Temptress.
@hayles Rather a shame, that. Maybe they should adapt a bit more…

@hayles I was musing over that sort of thing earlier on, in Cambridge: pic.twitter.com/VDMXX14dTu
@jamesclay (Though I actually had two for a while, and the one I bought for spares might’ve been that colour. It was the 954CC one, though!)

I’m guessing this sign is mostly here to stop geeks trying to recreate that scene in _Sneakers_. pic.twitter.com/4FHcDxlXzn
@guriben If I’d wanted it efficient I’d have used a JMP :)
@mistymaria Yup.
@jamesclay Mine too, except mine was brown :)
An array of working Beebs. instagram.com/p/qHNLEPpC2K/

*Some* of us eschewed the GOTO, even back then..pic.twitter.com/DT1mVNayI5I5

Hedy Lamarr, actress and inventor of frequency hopping radio transmission, celebrated in National Museum of Computing pic.twitter.com/PTvgqYtfuV
The other side of this unassuming window in Hut 8 was Alan Turing’s office while he led the Naval..instagram.com/p/qHJmrtpCwe/rL
Talbot Sunbeam. My first car was a Talbot. Sadly not one of these. instagram.com/p/qHHcr4pC9b/
Enigma instagram.com/p/qHCqZyJC26/
Score. instagram.com/p/qGwBHTJCyz/
Old and new. instagram.com/p/qGs5JTpCwn/
Just posted a photo instagram.com/p/qGrfa8JC_W/