@skitch I have a Skitch a/c and an Evernote a/c. How do I get Skitch.app to stop saying “Hey…you! You’re using an anonymous account.”? Ta!
@RamonYouseph Dunno yet! Will be figuring it out as I go along.
@ShabbyBean @BlackDogDays Well, it’s a bit of a relief that I can start assuming that people know now, at least :)
@r0bb1eh @BlackDogDays He’s like a cross between a PR company and GCHQ.
@Barry_Manana Yup, it really is.
Well done, Genville Chapel dwellers. Pretty. #Bristol #flowers instagr.am/p/KmxDZ/
@xabl It *is* looking a bit higher than usual, now you mention it.
.@boagworld I think “Fisheye Len” has just become the lead character in my upcoming noir photographer/detective series.
On the boat home. instagr.am/p/KmtCb/
@tsunimee @SketchyArtyDoll @tsunimee Oh, a*se.
@BlackDogDays Yup. Quit a while back but on 3-month notice period. Not sure what I’m going to do next.
ememess Chefs, stop ‘deconstructing’ things. If I order cioppino/lasagne/poo on a stick, that’s what I want. Not some poo, and a stick.
paddyslacker When the Dow drops, why do news orgs always invent a reason for it? The reason given is never “traders are like panicky meerkats with ADHD.”
@RamonYouseph Werk.
@kevinmeyers @marcoarment If it helps, I stole the basics for mine from PHP script by Kevin Yank. If you can’t find it, let me know.
Word that I am leaving appears to be well-and-truly out around the company. I blame “megaphone Mike” @BlackDogDays
@marcoarment @kevinmeyers That’s how I get my RadioShift recordings straight into my iTunes as a podcast.
@marcoarment @kevinmeyers It’s not tough to write a script to turn a directory of audio files into a valid RSS podcast feed on local server.
@Easybourne Rather nice. Think I might still prefer the wired Apple one, just because it’d get me extra USB ports…
@arlinelyons It is not my word, alas. Seems in common usage in some of my circles…
@ianmcshane I cannot claim responsibility. I believe @hotdogsladies may have coined the word “webcock”. Certainly he introduced me to it.
Hint: If you just auto-follow everyone who mentions a keyword on Twitter, you’re not an “Internet Marketer”, you’re a webcock.
Well, someone’s getting the message, at least. BBC front page features normal looking boys (in hoodies) picking up their A-level results.
Oh, great. Apparently “poker” is yet another twitter-trigger-word that generates auto-follows from robotic tweeters. :(
Hmm. A Lion scrollbar when viewing a page with a black background in Safari. #accessibility lockerz.com/s/130689944
ianbetteridge Mark Garner, publisher of @ldnconfidential, needs a lesson in how to be professional with freelancers: http://j.mp/rbvGj9
@njj4 I’m not entirely sure. I certainly don’t feel much wiser, for example.
I got S1, A, B, C, D for my A-levels (in 1991!) If you played poker with grades, it would probably be a good hand.
@benjohnbarnes Yeah. Main problem is choosing one from the forty or so interesting-looking good ones! :/ #fortyonenow #dammit
@benjohnbarnes I’ll have to look at that when I’m not at work — it doesn’t do anything clever in IE8. :(
@the3rdgirl Pretty damn good, I’d say. Well done.
How many dockers does it take to change a lightbulb? instagr.am/p/Kk3cG/
Harbour Master. instagr.am/p/Kk1WH/