@weirdoldhattie Ooh, atmosphere. Like.
@MilliePaw Ah, yes, the “WAIT! *WHY* AM I WATCHING THIS?” moment.
@seengee Well, if it’s good enough I’ll probably report fifteen times then collapse of stress exhaustion :)
@seengee My friend (who works at BTP) assures me that the non-decaf Extract I bought, Doctor Strange Love, is awesome. Will try tomorrow!
@seengee …but it is allegedly Swiss Water Process decaf, at least :)
@seengee Sometimes I just get the urge. And this stuff is very tasty. Of course, if I’m still on Twitter at 4am, we’ll know why :)
@seengee They’re out of town, in Iron Acton (so just a bit further out than Frampton Cotterell.) Used to run the stall at bottom of Park St.
@seengee (& mostly what that means is I’ve met them at parties and tried to drag every bit of info about brewing out of them that I can!)
@seengee Yup, that’s them. Can’t be entirely unbiased, because I know them socially. But I wouldn’t buy their coffee if it wasn’t great.
@weirdoldhattie Thank you.
@seengee Mmmm. They are good.
@seengee That is why I also bought these: extractcoffee.co.uk/doctor-strange…
Tonight’s snaps from @seenoevil2011: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… My favourite is probably : flic.kr/p/aeu1pc
@mhoulden If I have much caffeine in the evening I don’t sleep. So, good decaf beans, and then I blend with good caff. stuff as desired.
@Adamy323 Yup. #loadedupantruckin’
Just remembered I bought decaf beans from @extractcoffee, so I can actually have a coffee now and not be up until 5am. #win
@Swishrelic You won’t regret it. It’s pretty damn fab.
@JustinOwen Ah, yes. “First” “Great” Western. One of the main reasons I decided to take a job closer to home last time. :(
JustinOwen First Great Western A) you suck B) you suck C) you suck D) you suck twitpic.com/68jv0l
It’s the _My Name Is Earl_ with the _Smokey & the Bandit_ car. I will now have _East Bound and Down_ stuck in my head for days.
It has been a long week. But I’m less than a mile from home. And have beer. And pizza. instagr.am/p/KsZbS/
In other #Bristol news, the men watching the penguins from their newly-constructed hide may be in for a dull time. lockerz.com/s/131046720
“99” Feek. instagr.am/p/KsPpK/
At @seenoevil2011 instagr.am/p/KsG7Z/
@johnfbraun Fairly sure there’s a header somewhere:
@johnfbraun If only it were that easy. *sigh*
@bexxi @matt_fwyalchen *snort*
@bexxi @matt_fwyalchen Bloody bean-counters.
@Lillput So, presumably if you have cotton/lycra mix jeggings, they’ll turn into tights if you dip yourself in acid. Handy to know.
@Lillput …because, let’s face it, you’re now probably on a government watchlist of some kind, so it had better be worth it.
@Lillput But — did it clear the drain?
@hayles That would explain the pale skin, too.
@hayles I’ve never heard if her. Starting to think I may have been in a bunker for 20 years without knowing it.
@talkie_tim Aww! Ludwig! the-medium-is-not-enough.com/2011/02/lost_g…
talkie_tim Here’s the source for that awesome robots pic: Anyone care to help enter the competition? hopewellstudios.com/index.php?opti…
@Phooto Also, how many answers overall would you have needed to be a better citizen so far in your life?
@paulbradshaw I would also fail realistic “are you a UK citizen?” questions, too, eg. “Name anyone who’s ever been on ‘I’m a Celebrity…’”
@paulbradshaw That would be good. I want it to be a bit more like the “are you a spy?” questions during the war.
I just failed the UK citizenship test. 13/24. Oh well. Off to the camps for me, then. @paulbradshaw
@jonhickman @paulbradshaw I scored 2/10 in quiz last year ID-ing pics of ministers. Side-effect of relying on Today programme for news!
paulbradshaw Taking the UK citizenship test. Very odd questions. I clearly don’t belong here. bit.ly/geaT4
@hayles I had heard of the things beginning with J. But not actually ever heard them. And Speaker’s wife. Apart from that, complete blank.
@roundonefight No.
@the3rdgirl What’s a Saffer?
Why yes, Oracle, I did specify an identifier longer than 30 characters. That’s because I’m from the 21st century, you pile of elderly crap.
Yay! Parcel from @extractcoffee just arrived :) instagr.am/p/KqiSv/
@JoMurricane Call me cynical, but I thought it was so banks could close branches and sack phone teams, not to make my life easier.
Mornin’ all. instagr.am/p/KqPR_/
@Mouse_House I already lost enthusiasm for it, to be honest.
@Mouse_House Or maybe, as you say, a lunchtime walk.
@Mouse_House I shall rise at 5am, jog for two hours, eat a handful of dry grape nuts, shower, dress in an Armani suit, and be working by 8.
@Mouse_House I’m worried about turning into a complete hermit and never leaving the house. Getting dressed makes this less likely :)
@Mouse_House Soon I will be working from home for months. Hopefully I will wear more than pyjamas at least a couple of times a week ;)