@Klovharu You’re eating Cheerios. You’re welcome.
Lovely evening at @MissEmmeline and @arnaudkaziewicz’s place, being fed and playing with the small feline member of the family :)
I just managed to park in my own street. I guess the question now is: how do I get back to my own universe?
RT @arnaudkaziewicz: Vegetarian turned into a sausage sandwich fanatic http://bit.ly/oHcgnT <- Hah! Feel guilty, @MissEmmeline?
Thank you @MissEmmeline! http://instagr.am/p/JLIL…
@GreatDismal @infinite_me Hah! I feel like a wuss for handing you a mere Sharpie now.
@hayles Subliminal. Any minute, the action will move to Carl’s Berg, where twin spies the Becks will plot against their former teachers.
@KaveyF *kiss* You are forgiven in advance.
After lush massage, friend texts to see if I want to be cooked for, and the ferry I want is conveniently 10 mins late so don’t miss it. #yay
Headin’ home. http://instagr.am/p/JKeC…
@philsherry @JamieFDHurst All I’m seeing here is blue skies. But apparently that’s because I’m still on IE6.
@JasonBradbury What, did they run out of film the first time round? :)
@speechdebelle Take it to an Apple store and throw yourself on their mercy. That works surprisingly often!
@meemalee @BurgerMeLondon Yes, saw someone post a Virgin Wine ad that had appeared on Alcoholics Anonymous site once. Bad for all concerned!
@t_pk @seengee Yes, then you can publish it and we can all leach^H^H^H^H^Hbenefit from the product of your labours :)
Daniel_Penfold so is a sausage roll ‘pork wellington’ ? #tryingtomakelunchsoundexotic
@irkafirka Wow. Half a kiloFirk. That’s pretty firky.
@Jorence Consider biting the head off someone who doesn’t deserve it. Then get cake.
@MitchBenn Hrm. Try clearing cookies. (Safari: Prefs/Privacy/cookie details, then search for live.com and remove all cookies.)

@archidave You just reminded me of a certain Internet Explorer cartoon. http://imgur.com/gallery… :)
In related news, mildly surprised to be reminded that MySpace still exists.
@tsunimee Personally, I print out really good DMs and stick them on my fridge. That’s a real badge of honour. #imaybelying
Finally tracked down the band I heard doing a soundcheck at the Fleece as I walked past the other day. Maybe I’ll get to see them now!
Twitter could use a way of favouriting an entire thread of conversation.
@hayles Deep breath, now.
@mhoulden I want to see the practical of that one :)
@KaveyF Lord Melchett is alive and well and living in London? Odd.
No, application, you may *not* have permission to tweet on my behalf. *I’m* barely competent to do it, and I actually have neurons.
bristol247 #bristol @BristolBites replies to angry restaurant owner after less-than-flattering review. Good for you Em :) http://ow.ly/5SRmU
@BlackDogDays Oh, fucksticks. *hug*. And as for the sticking around, allow me to pull my very best OFCOURSEFACE.
I seem to have perfected the Tony Soprano grumpy morning shuffle. *picks up newspaper from imaginary drive*