Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 13th, 2011

@hayles @nickbrompton Mmm. The 24-7 Cheesecake Window.

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@hayles It was one of the awesomer moments of my life. Cheesecake delivered to my car window by a French chef.

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Just had dinner with @MissEmmeline and @arnaudkaziewicz and had cheesecake delivered to my car as a parting gift. My friends are great.

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Sadly couldn’t make it to tonight’s Night Glow, but was in time to watch @MatthewTosh & colleagues’ fireworks from Clifton Village :)

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@SpikyZebra Your own Japanese food, or take-out? Was just discussing dearth of great Japanese restaurants with @MissEmmeline

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@MandinaM Depends if I go to the night glow tonight. If I do, I might not wake up tomorrow :)

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@MandinaM Nah, I went the wrong way. Ah well!

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Sky (with tiny balloons. I guessed wrong :) )

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Right. Cross fingers for the wind to drop a bit. Already seems to be, on the Downs, but sure it’s different at balloon height…

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HeartWCountry Balloon’s aren’t flying before 6.30 so plenty of time to get to ! So take your time and drive carefully! Plenty of parking at Gate 9 x

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@MartinPemberton Mmm. Depends a lot on the weather. Lower cloud means shorter flights, as far as I understand it. Maybe get further today!

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@MartinPemberton Thinking about it, I might try to snap some landings. They come down on the Downs quite often, don’t they?

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@MartinPemberton I might just wander 50 yards from my front door in Hotwells — worked last year!

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@MartinPemberton Though this might suggest that your idea is a good one!

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@MartinPemberton I was wondering that. Never really watched them from anywhere but the fiesta itself.

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@boagworld I hear its two-tone siren goes oooo-arrrrr oooo-arrrrr…

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@codepo8 Is that really clever? Just seems a bit seedy to me. Not that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive, I suppose.

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@codepo8 Did that address used to go to failblog? I’ve only ever used the .org, I think.

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Ah, okay, they are just parked outside Guardian Court looking mildly disappointed. Maybe one of the residents got stuck up a tree.

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And that makes four. Is there something big on fire somewhere?

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Just seen a third fire engine heading fast through Clifton Village towards suspension bridge. Hope nothing wrong at .

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benclatworthy My article on : Bristol Balloon Fiesta pilots told to steer clear of Southmead after balloon in knifed after landing

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Climbing the hill to the sorting office *pant*

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@davehodg @PoliceStateUK Also, some services strip all the EXIF as an enhancement to privacy — many don’t realise it may have GPS info, etc

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Hands up anyone else who habitually leaves their house an hour after they thought they would even though they’ve no kids to organise?

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@13twelve Yes. Hence “Taking the wind out of their sails.”

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@nigellegg Trick question. There’s no way that one’s “Either-Or”, surely?

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@MatthewTosh Awesome. Will see you (or at least the results of your labours!) later :D

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kentonjacobsen I don’t know how I lived without Mustachio Chrome Extension.ā€¦ This is how the Internet now looks:

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@jonhickman Well, Play-Doh’s edible and a good insulator. Improvise, man!

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@jonhickman I have a box of pots of Play-Doh right here. I’m kidding myself it’s because I want to do a stop-motion animation. *plays*

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(Incidentally, if anyone discounted for GTD previously because of the creaky design, it’s just had a nice refresh.)

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Yesterday was a nice day off. Now I will write my “todo” list for the weekend.

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fergieweather BALLOON FIESTA, Cont’d: so, hopeful for mass ascent Sat eve. SUN: Sunny spells, winds continue falling lighter especially later; looks good.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:52 AM, Aug 13th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)