@smalltownmoon @the3rdgirl From what I remember, it wouldn’t have been “statii” in Latin, either. “Status” with a long “u”? #couldbewrong
I am reading about CSS properties. Google ads are trying to sell me property in Portugal. #contextfail
@xabl @rabidbee Yeah, you clearly need more practice. There are definitely some you can hate all the time.

asilentflute Post-earthquake view out my office window pic.twitter.com/Lg0q3hd
@tyfn So, from what I’m seeing, @baratunde *was* the epicentre… #barafaulte
MrJonty My feed is filled with East Coast people saying “omg earthquake!” and West Coast people saying “stfu noobs”.
@PeteWilliams I thought that was what that petition to bring back the death penalty was about?
@KaveyF Restaurants really do have shite websites really quite often, don’t they?
@MartinPemberton …for Posts page. Then it’ll appear in menu, and your blog entries will be in example.com/blog
@MartinPemberton After that, depends a bit on theme support. Think generally you can, e.g. create blank page called “Blog”, and use that…
@MartinPemberton Create new page as landing page. Change WordPress Settings/Reading/”Front page displays…” to that page. Fiddle from there
@mattleys Indeedy. Makes for a cheap break, anyway :)
@mattleys That reminds me, must book a flight soon (my dad lives in Kalyves!)
@MShapland I can’t. Care to précis?
How on earth has _A Dangerous Method_ got two 1-star ratings on @lovefilm? Bearing in mind it apparently premiers *next month*…
@LegalWeasel @Juggzy I have no interjection here; I just like saying, “flapdoodle.” #flapdoodle
I’d think “Suspension Bridge” if it weren’t in the opposite direction. Maybe there’s a 1980’s Madonna fashion festival? lockerz.com/s/132130294
damongreenITV CONFIRMED: real life a bit more complicated than it sometimes appears on Twitter.