Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 3rd, 2011

Playing with some random CSS. Literally http://cssfuzzer.gothick…

via Echofon

RT @peterholt99: How was harbour festival for you? Please take a few mins to tell us in our survey

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@peterholt99 Already done — I’m on the ASK bulletin list :)

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@instapaper Idea: add optional “referrer” parameter to api/add to encourage clients to cite source (e.g. link to tweet containing saved URL)

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RT @hayles: .@gothick has used the hashtag I like it. Mostly because things are not usually my fault. <— Yeah, riiiight…

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@jamesclay But it was delightfully plausible ;)

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@mattgemmell No. They’re banned under the Geneva convention, as anyone doing *that* much planning is clearly an evil genius.

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You’d think that this far into the millennium, the Telegraph would be able to spell “millennium”.

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@foxc @ahnlak 41. I may die of overheating just thinking about that.

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@getrunningapp I’m going to attempt the nigh-impossible (for me) and try to run tomorrow morning before work.

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@hayles @pieminister Yes, you could earn a decent crust that way.

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Aww. The 404 page on is “Page Not Loved”.…

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@hayles Damn it. Now I’m thinking pie and mash tonight, too.

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I have been using Tweetbot for ages, and I still just learned a lot of useful stuff from the tips & tricks page:

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Been having occasional urges to go for a lunchtime pint recently. Hrm.

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Vulnerability found in the “timthumb” thumbnailer, as used in many WordPress themes:

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@hayles Goodness. I have to buy whisky to get that effect. Maybe I should start a random geeky bloggers map.

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@foxc I would not be complaining were I allowed to be (a) outside and (b) in casual clothes.

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DigitalJonathan Ever been annoyed at a late train? Dominic Utton is writing to First Great Western every time his train is late.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:28 AM, Aug 3rd, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Ugh. Please can I go back to bed until it is less damn hot outside?

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