@archidave That is exactly where I am. Doing a crossword until I drift off.
jeffpotterusa Feds raid raw milk coop: m.theatlantic.com/life/archive/2…
@Foxy_RoxyX Unfortunately, in a stereotypically male geek lifestyle choice, I live in a basement. (At least it’s not my mother’s!)
Right. No more phone calls, please, world. *goes to bed again*
@SplashMan @teacherdude *buts in* Yes!
@BlackDogDays Ooof.
“When hungry, eat. When tired, sleep.” I think it may be time for bed.
@BlackDogDays Okay, that sounds pretty bad.
RachaelDadd Today it becomes official in it’s existence and availability to the world - bite the mountain my new album -http://bit.ly/bTRyWt
@BlackDogDays Nope; I think I successfully judged that book by its cover.
@OrganicJar Oh, I thought you’d just won a goldfish.
@hayles Buh?
It was a very long weekend. I think I shall mostly be chilling out and then going to bed early tonight.
@paul_clarke Is there not a pub nearby?
tsunimee Short RSS Feeds or Full ones on Google Reader? If you have a minute, @emma_cossey would love to know your preference: bit.ly/mPMyBj
@hayles I’m not so difficult to please that I’d need 13,226 bookmarks for *that*! #porntaxonomy
Er. Why is Mobile-fscking-Me trying to add 13,226 bookmarks? Didn’t bookmark anything on the other Mac today. Grr twitpic.com/66muqa
biorhythmist I wish Freud were still around — I’d sure like to give that guy a piece of my mom.
@archidave @hayles He was mostly stepping in to protect against enthusiastic toddlers and wobbly Special Brew drinkers. #centredemographics
@BenPark Dunno. This is the sum total of my penguin knowledge:
ememess Judged on my passport photo, I wouldn’t let me in the house, never mind a country.
Not really selling this to me, you know. #pubtypograpghy lockerz.com/s/129932727
hayles There is a girl who looks about 12 eating olives on the bus. I’m 27 and drinking Um Bongo. Something wrong here.
MrVilhauer I’d have entered the HuffPo free logo contest, but I already reserved both middle fingers for the HuffPo We Don’t Pay Writers contest.
Just outside Tesco, man transfers all purchases from Tesco bag to Sainsbury’s bag, then bins Tesco one. #Bristol #politicalcorrectness?
@hayles One just for @hayles, then :) instagr.am/p/KWPI-/
Kenco penguins, made from recycled glass. #bristol @ The Fountains instagr.am/p/KWMW8/
@hayles Well, I could probably sneak one out if you’re in Victoria street by about 5:15 :)
@hayles *throws brick with hole in it*
@JenLittleBird @hayles Also, the more if yourself you put into it, the more likely people are to forgive you if you screw up but apologise.
@hayles @JenLittleBird *throws brick at Hayles*
@JenLittleBird @hayles …whereas it’s different if what you’re selling is primarily *you*. More opportunity to put more of self into it.
@JenLittleBird @hayles It may depend what you’re trading. In my line, people may sell multiple things with different personalities…
@hayles Same thing. Have two accounts, I’d say. Lots of iPhone devs do this; one account for the app and one for them personally.
@hayles Think your brand should have a personality. Someone tweeting for a brand is like an actor, trying to embody the brand.
@hayles I’ve had varied experiences there. On a good night, it’s been great. Never dreadful, though. Have a good one :)
@MissEmmeline Said the lady who runs a drive-through cheesecake delivery service!
@ahnlak <nelson>HA HAA</nelson>
@paulahillier You need to have A Word with someone if your office didn’t get free donuts for all today :D
.@hayles @stillawake @Hombre_Mediocre instagr.am/p/KVcZd/ Part of their “office hero” promo, apparently. #krispykreme
Free Krispy Kreme donuts? Don’t mind if I do!
madeupstats This is likely to be the 26th tweet in your timeline informing you that Google have bought Motorola.
@MrGreenGus Oh! Odd. I’m sure at some point I’ll work out what that has to go with penguins!
@nicepaul I’m sure it’s acceptable, as long as you’re wearing the right tie with the pyjamas.
@Swishrelic Sign in? My doesn’t allow Flickr full stop :(
peterholt99 Penguins on the centre? Guerrilla attack on Gorillas? What’s going on #Bristol? twitpic.com/66e78t via @WeirdSid @AndersUk #LoveBristol
@Algardav I think it’s the centre spouty fountain. Hang on, will RT a picture I found.
@hayles @UnbrokenReality It’s as good a reason as any :)
@hayles They must be dumb.
@hayles They must be dumb.
Oooh. Chilli & Chocolate Festival at the Z#bristolsbristolzoo.org.uk/chilli-chocola…q0KK
So, what are the penguins for on the Centre, then, #Bristol? I’m guessing something @BristolZooGdns related?
@RellyAB Bit odd, isn’t it? I have a photo of me karate-kicking towards the camera, which gets an uncanny number of foot-fetishist hits.
@OpinionatedGeek I clicked through to check, too. Me? I’d’ve let it go ahead and turned up with a water cannon.
@Broxted @thisisnotariot @EssexPoliceUK Surely the obvious solution here would be to turn up to the fight with a water cannon ;)
(The Serious Crime Act? A water fight?)
EssexPoliceUK Colchester man, 20, charged after allegedly using Blackberry to arrange water fight. Will appear in court on Sept 1. goo.gl/ANO8p
@danfairs Grrrrr
@simonmaddox Ah, gotcha. Clearly the Apple way would be to buy another Mac for the secondary stuff :(
@simonmaddox What’s broken?
Didn’t have time to drink my morning green tea before leaving the flat today. Yay Contigo travel mug :) instagr.am/p/KUbKz/
Ferry-on-ferry #commutergraphy instagr.am/p/KUVWs/
@Phooto Aww. I wouldn’t want to scare them. Nice polite lads, they were.
@RamonYouseph @Lillput Yeah, if I’d known I’d have brought a bagful of chunky Kit-Kats to sell them.
There are some kids on the ferry steps smoking dope. I think I’m cramping their style by waiting for the boat next to them.