@tsunimee There is. Well, according to House of Fraser, anyway: http://bit.ly/nw4voH
@zoetw @ericonabike I think it’s more like little Greta was extramumificated. Congrats :)
@jakepjohnson @hayles I suspect gin may be involved.
RT @rabidbee: @gothick It is _a_ Wednesday. However, I cannot confirm whether it is the same Wednesday on which you set out.
Back from a 5K run. Good enough for a Wednesday. Unless it’s Thursday now, in which case I was quite slow.
If we *must* have CCTV, all these crap riot pictures suggest that we’d be better off having half the cameras and twice the resolution.
@Mouse_House Bonsoir.
Out joggin’ down the towpath. http://instagr.am/p/J4JJ…
@currybet You’re using Word, aren’t you?
@Kat4PR No worries. Glad you found something :)
@charlie_cat_esq Well, weather forecasts are rubbish. Let’s cross our fingers.
It’s really windy and it looks like it’s going to rain for three days :( Poor Balloon Fiesta. Hope they get some launches in.
@seengee I always try to take photos of a dawn launch. Looks like I’ll be lucky not just to get photos of damp balloonists thus year. :(
@seengee Shh! Want *good* weather for the balloon fiesta!
encratica There’s a rumour going round that we don’t have to choose between condoning violence and ignoring its context. Can anyone confirm?
@lendleapp The appeal for me would be the ability to read on my computer at work, where I have no permission to install apps.
@Jorence Awesomesauce.
@teacherdude I’d expect most of your British friends do, too.
whatterz This is interesting: Amazon launches a web-based Kindle reader http://bit.ly/oOzGNJ #amazon #ebooks
@whatterz Hurrah! I can use a Kindle reader on my work machine, that bans downloads. Boo! It doesn’t work in IE, which is my only browser.
Really wish @Twitter wouldn’t show blocked users in search results.
@MissEmmeline Not in Bristol.