@Narshada Ah, you did get home. Good.
@Jorence @stillawake You can still pretty much tell it’s brown! twitpic.com/69o610
@stillawake Yes; be nice if it were blue, but the only way that’ll happen is if a dye factory has an industrial accident :)
@stillawake Thank you! All done in a single sweep with my little Sony TX1 :)
@r0bb1eh @stillawake That’s two “no” votes and no “yes” votes for the _Precinct_ remake. I shall save my time. Thank you.
@r0bb1eh I would, were it actually on telly. Bah.
Assault on Precinct 13! Oh. It’s the remake. Is that any good?
@Narshada Just wait until the AA van breaks down. You’ll need a punchline, after all.
@hayles Yes. Clearly it is All Their Fault. Maybe I should sue.
@Jorence @StJamesPT Just realised that if I do just 5K between now and the Bristol Half, finishing will break through 1,000km on RunKeeper!
@hayles And Boston Tea Party cakes. And lattes. Otherwise I’d have lost some weight by now :(
Goodness. According to RunKeeper, I have just passed 100,000 calories burned off with my jogging. runkeeper.com/user/gothick/p…
@inkyhands D’oh. Well, it was worth a try.
@Jorence Next time I’m going to try the (apparently quite good) trick of sleeping in my running gear so I can get out as early as possible!
@inkyhands Cruise control and a willing passenger. Problem solved.
@Jorence Yeah, but on a day like today you’d want to start early on the Downs, then head for the woods to catch some shade before the heat!
@Jorence Ooops! I mean 21-kilometre-er, of course.
@Jorence This is a 21-miler including that route, plus a couple of loops of purple path, plus the Downs. Was nice! runkeeper.com/user/gothick/a…
@Jorence Hrm. Loads for me.
@Jorence @StJamesPT If you want to extend it, you can add a loop or two of the “Purple Path” starting opposite the car park in the woods.
@Jorence @StJamesPT And, assuming this has worked, this should be the same map with my run marked with arrows. dl.dropbox.com/u/838327/Throw…
@Jorence @StJamesPT Right, here we go, he said, breaking all sorts of copyright laws. Original map: avongorge.org.uk/documents/leig…
@Jorence @StJamesPT With my route, you head into woods at far entrance, just past little steps, then fold back and follow less steep route.
@Jorence @StJamesPT Was thinking earlier on I should blog the route. Might see if I can find a map of Leigh Woods to mark it on for folk.
@Jorence @StJamesPT It’s still a fairly steep climb in one place, but I used to jog up it, albeit slowly.
@libbymiller I suggest locking yourself in the kitchen , and drinking two cups of tea yourself while selling the last bag to highest bidder.
@Narshada Is Gordano Services some kind of Bermuda Triangle for cars?
@Narshada *scans back through timeline* Ooof. Yes, there comes a time to cease being philosophical and start being at least mildly miffed.
@NeilCrosby I didn’t pay it enough attention to know that. #fastforward #killthebloodytrailers #justplaythefsckingfilmipaidfor
@NeilCrosby Think I just saw that advert. “Get closer to the laughs with higher resolution!” Personally, think I’d prefer better scripts.
@jacintuk You’ve not got the hang of this Twitter thing yet, have you? :) @KaveyF @Debbiegreeneyes
Tired bunny.
@malvernrunner That sounds like a good idea. Wish I’d had it about three hours ago…
@MandinaM Thanks :) Yes, I rather liked it, too. Think I won’t treat it as an actual “out-take”, so it’ll get onto Flickr at some point…
@rabidbee To be fair, I’d prefer that to the other way around.
@Jorence 17.8 miles! Bloody hot day to go that far, dude! Niiiice.
Wow! Hot day for a run. Glad I went through Leigh Woods. Nice and shady, for the most part. #getrunning
Afternoon, #bristol! instagr.am/p/K38H-/
Control Panel, Junction Lock. @ Junction Lock instagr.am/p/K3oD4/
Pride of #Bristol @ Junction Lock instagr.am/p/K3niv/
Hah! Morning jog temporarily stymied by lock gate opening & bridge swi#Bristolstinstagr.am/p/K3lrx/kHSe
@jukesie Bandwagon jumpers or no, it’s still worth going :)
Hah! Out-take from yesterday’s trip to Bristol Zoo. #lemur #missed twitpic.com/69ep9j
@ajith_bibin Nope. I just looked at their website after seeing Ben’s blog. I imagine they’re just con artists of some kind or another.