Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 12th, 2011

@MandinaM I *might* drag myself up on Sunday if there are blueish skies. But then again, want to do the night glow tomorrow night. Hrm.

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@MandinaM Yeah, it’s a tough call. I normally only make one dawn launch per fiesta.

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@BristolBones Left my place about 5:30, so I’d have got there six-ish, I guess.

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@MandinaM I love the walk up there. But, er… I was in bed by about 10:30 last night so I’d cope with this morning :)

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@MandinaM It was not that lush a sunrise this morning, but I took a chance and it paid off :)

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Here are some of my mass balloon launch snaps from this morning [This time, *with* the link]

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@jcroft …and I think we have a winner. Maybe the stoopid thing’s trying to set them before it’s mounted the drive, or something.

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@jcroft Your backdrops don’t happen to be in an iPhoto library mounted on an external drive, do they? (Mine are.)

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@zombizi He’s got a great face for comedy, though. Picked the wrong career.

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@jcroft If you go into the desktop System Preferences, do your backdrops magically reappear without you having to select them? Mine did.

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@jcroft Heck, I got that not three minutes ago just by *rebooting* 10.7.0. It may not be an update bug.

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@almostexact I’ll tell you why. It’s because Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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benstewart999 Wow! Speaking about the 11-year old looter, Cameron said “Everybody deserves a 2nd chance”. Oh no, sorry, he was talking about Andy Coulson

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@the3rdgirl I can be sexy. *does sexy*

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@ollieflips Generally, I prefer the bigger ones, because I know where they are. Unless I mistake them for an avant-garde light fitting.

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@CasJam Yeah, 14 is the dev channel. If you want to try it and see if it helps, select the dev channel from

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@CasJam I have never seen that on a Mac, Lion or no Lion. Mind you, I’m running version 14, which might be more Lion-friendly.

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@mollycrabapple Woah, rewind! There’s a vote? Oh! Well, I’m with you. Feynman. Such a beautiful face.

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@guriben If it helps, I think you can type a question mark on that keyboard by using a “2”, a full stop, and some Tipp-Ex correction paper.

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Like Flickr? Like using your keyboard? Press ‘?’ on any Flickr page. Ta-da! (Courtesy PetaPixel

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@Malarkey Though I also think it’s iOS-like in that it should eventually figure that out for itself and stop correcting it.

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@Malarkey Add it to the spelling dictionary (type it, right-click it, Learn Spelling.)

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@talkie_tim I’ll see your Birmingham New Street and raise you a Swindon.

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“…a bullet which lodged itself in one officer’s radio…”

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@Kate_Butler Probably not drug dealers, as they’re technically a small business.

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@thomasvenables Goodness. Are you spreading sedition? TURN OFF TWITTER IN BRISTOL IMMEDIATELY!

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@MissEmmeline Yes, that just means you’re a decade younger :)

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@AnthonyHocken Yeah. And we’d better not go back to using runners to communicate.

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@andybeebristol Ah, I did wonder why I hadn’t bumped into you for 24 hours solid :)

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@tadramgo But I still agree with your conclusion!

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@tadramgo Hrm. ARPANET was designed for that, when it was controlled by a single government who wanted that to be the case.

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@johnprescott …but even then I can think of ways around it if you’re technical enough.

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@johnprescott Sounds really quite hard. Might just be able to do it for *mobile* connections specifically with help from phone companies.

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I think I might listen to Radio 4 and bake some bread.

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@benclatworthy Yup, took a few. Bit weary now, it has to be said. Long walk on top of the early start always knocks me out!

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@ToM_BaL Yeah. This is how it’s looking in an Ashton Court direction at the mo :(

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Faulty phone replaced, and back onto the ferry home just before the rain. Win. Thank you, AppleCare, and Melissa at Cabot Circus store.

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@EtcEtcOnline Oh. Do people actually *say* things like that? I thought that only happened on _The Apprentice_.

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markthomasinfo Never thought I would say this but “Hats off Peter Oborne”…

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@helloemsy @hayles Watching 60 balloons take off at dawn, then crossing suspension bridge to drink latte in BTP :)

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guriben Hello. A base station shared by mobile operators in Bristol has been vandalised. Your 3G/CDMA coverage may be a bit shit.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:02 AM, Aug 12th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@guriben Oddly, had the best coverage ever at Ashton Court. Someone must have put a new one in since last year.

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jbrownridge 70 lightning strikes caught in one awesome photo

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:59 AM, Aug 12th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Phew. Thought the bridge was still closed for some reason, but they’re just coincidentally doing some work on the east walkway.

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mharrisfreeth Bristol this morning.

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Right. Coffee. Now, where did I leave that suspension bridge? *looks around*

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tom_watson I wonder if David Cameron has even heard of Gizmodo. I hope is staff show him the link:

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Last of this morning’s balloons headed your way, :)

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Good to talk to @MatthewTosh about the pyrotechnics just now. Sounds like a good show lined up for tomorrow night!

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@Phooto No, it’s *even more* weather-dependent than NASA ;) Will do.

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@IreneB9 Yup. Not certain. But optimistic. Cross fingers!

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“Optimistic” for a launch this morning.…

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@ClearlyAM No worries. Looking good up here. Low wind, getting brighter :)…

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@Swishrelic Archaeologists will probably find it under a pyramid next year.

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@Jorence Me too. Currently walking quite fast Ashton Court-wards just in case.

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@MatthewTosh Awesome. It was worth getting up then! On way to snap some pics :)

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@tsunimee I think you must be in a different timezone. I just got up!

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