@Swishrelic Happy not-quite-finished birthday :)
@stillawake @AdamofAlbion Really, watch _Life is Beautiful_. With tissues on standby.
@AdamofAlbion Hrrrm. _Betty Blue_ or _Life is Beautiful_ are strong contenders for me. But neither of them are as *lovely*.
Quick re-plug from earlier today. Just because watching Danny Macaskill do this stuff makes me smile (YouTube): bit.ly/oB5yLM
@Mandlebrot Nope, was definitely today: stephenwilliamsmp.wordpress.com/2011/08/16/cab…
jennifermjones For fuck sake. #FFS RT @nogbad: Police Can Detain Photographers If Their Photographs Have ‘No Apparent Esthetic Value’ - bit.ly/nImNm8
.@Energyflo_uk Did you know that people are leaving spam comments on blogs that link to your Twitter profile? Some kind of shady SEO?
@BlackDogDays Tempting, but no, just walking past. I rarely drink alone in pubs, just feel like I don’t fit that way.
Landing. #Bristol instagr.am/p/KbvXX/
GreatDismal RT @benhammersley O.M.Actual.G - The new Danny Macaskill film. youtube.com/watch?v=ShbC5y… The rails bit! The rope bit! [WOW]
@Mandlebrot So, er, does that mean it’s been open for a few hours already?
bexxi Definition of someone who enjoys everything they eat: “omnomorous”
bristol247 #bristol #news Pix from Nelson Street as world’s best graffiti artists begin to transform street #seenoevil http://ow.ly/64hWS
@chris_j_hughes Well, it’s not a garden. And “courtyard” sounds a bit too posh for a flight of steps and a patch of concrete.
@benjohnbarnes Hah! There are no hosepipe bans currently in force. #innocent
@benjohnbarnes @guriben You two both worried me enough that I actually checked for hosepipe bans (having hosed for about an hour on Sunday!)
@benjohnbarnes Oh, crap, is there one on? I hosed out my front yard at the weekend. Didn’t even think about the ban. #criminal #oops
davepell Ironically, this has become the most read article on Tweetage Wasteland.
I Don’t Care if You Read This
On this water fight thing (bit.ly/q1NBza): Has anyone actually specified which law is being broken if you arrange a water fight?
@DavidJEWood It’s more helpful on days like yesterday, where it started gloriously and descended into rain.
Very glad of this morning’s umbrellatoday.com email, looking out the window in #Bristol. #tippingitdown
tots100 Would you like to join us at our free blogging workshop, #BlogCamp Bristol? http://ow.ly/64b09
@BenPark Ha! Incidentally, that penguin tweet wasn’t intended to be comical, it was meant to include this: lockerz.com/s/130116215
SawbonesHex Trying to get dressed and Henry herbert (the puppy) has just legged it (on very short legs moving very fast) with my underpants.