@SimonPeevers As I observed a while back :) http://bit.ly/ofJrue
@hayles You too, huh? I am going to bed properly now. And I probably won’t sleep. Grr.
@jemimakiss I have been hoping for rain.
LouisPeitzman English people, WE’LL stop thinking you’re all quaint and proper as soon as YOU stop immediately cleaning up after your own riots.
@alexjbutcher Apparently on mine it’s a couple of screws and a plug-in battery, but if it’s dying just going to let them take care of it!
@davidpatrick Yeah, more complicated than it looks. I read the developer guide for it sometime last year.
@alexjbutcher Also, if it is the battery, it’s still within warranty, plus I have AppleCare. Just be annoying having to get it swapped.
@davidpatrick @alexjbutcher I am relatively well aware of the likely causes, and also fairly sure it is none of them. Honest.
Hmm. My running-very-few-apps phone has lost 66% of its battery on the walk home. It’s possible it is dying.
@DavidJEWood Well, I’ve lived in Hotwells since 1999, I should know the pubs by now :)
@BlackDogDays :D
@DavidJEWood If I really wanted a pint at a pub, it’d be the Grain Barge. Everywhere else apart from Pump House is right on busy road.
@DavidJEWood Also, while I’m sure the Merchant’s Arms is good, it’s not too conducive for outside drinking! http://lockerz.com/s/128…
@DavidJEWood Ate at the Pump House last Thursday and the food was excellent. But not to worry, have bottle of Old Speckled Hen for home ;)
@DavidJEWood Wrong side! And I can’t afford more than one drink at the Pump House. :)
Lovely evening for walking home through #bristol :) http://instagr.am/p/JyU5…
hayles Tesco in Stokes Croft fully boarded up now (even the door) Salvation Army’s door boarded up and the Croft’s window.
@MelvMinton Not that I’ve noticed. Few businesses closing early as a precaution, some boarding-up, no actual trouble at all.
Just walked a mile or so through the city centre and this is the first police presence I’ve seen. #bristol #quiet http://instagr.am/p/JyQ2…
@byrion I work at the Temple Meads end of Victoria Street and just walked down to Baldwin Street. Didn’t seem unusual to me.
@byrion Is it? I just walked around it and it seemed no busier than last Tuesday.
@archidave I wouldn’t dare give her any trouble. She could crush me in an instant with those finger muscles.
91dave RT @jonny_boy27: follow @BristolRiots for verified, non-sensationalised, factual information about staying safe in the city tonight #bristol
@shezza_t Interview link for later :) http://www.guardian.co.u…
@shezza_t Yes; tram signs in Croydon. Picture’s front page of a few papers today, plus have been interviews with photographer.
@BenPark It never is, to be fair. Deep-tissue massage; it’s all elbows and pain.
Bah. Massage cancelled tonight because my masseuse doesn’t want to risk being caught in a riot. *sigh*
Tumblr post: Plus ça change… http://bit.ly/ofJrue
@goatgirl74 Good. Don’t think many people got much sleep last night.
@MatStace I hear they’re in Catford right now. And also not in Catford right now.
@goatgirl74 Heh. No, no trouble for me last night in sleepy Hotwells.
@MatStace Maybe it’s both. We have ourselves a heisenriot. How do you collapse Twitter’s waveform? Will we have to irradiate @stephenfry?
RT @WebHoundette: @gothick LMAO!! Was supposed to be for @goatgirl74 … <— Ah! That would explain things :)
@Phooto I shall bear that in mind for if I ever have multiple devices!
@Phooto Yes, I’ve used it several times in the past. Just don’t remember ever turning it on. Must’ve done it ages ago.
@Phooto @asic69 Do you need to turn it on? I must have done that at some point, don’t remember when!
@BlackDogDays Which is a fine way of delivering the bill, I’d say. Do you need to borrow a safety-pin?
@asic69 Well, from full charge, an iPhone with the GPS running just about gets me through a half marathon before dying.
@asic69 But bear in mind their batteries will probably be dead within two hours.
@BlackDogDays Post a bill for new mats through his van window.
I have just been nominated for a “Woman’s day #ff” by @WebHoundette. Which confuses me, what with it being Tuesday and me being a bloke.
@teacherdude Yes, never nice to be in the middle of two extremes.
subedited Brixton riot girl in Curry’s uniform arrested for looting THE SHOP SHE WORKS FOR. Honestly best pic of the night: bit.ly/qFhAuS
@teacherdude Heard reports of a couple of photographers being attacked & having cameras nicked on the other side, though :(
@teacherdude I did wonder if we’d have to recall you :)
caitlinmoran I doubt anyone knows more about why last night happened than the wholly admirable Camilla Batmanghelidjh, http://tinyurl.com/3pjgj…
@ahnlak Can you get the geography of it? DDoS unlikely to be from UK :)
@ahnlak What, that happened to coincide with the Radio 5 bit? Odd.
@benjohnbarnes Oh, fine, ta. We had far worse when the Stokes Croft Tesco opened. All a few miles from me, anyway.
@benjohnbarnes Hmm?
@ahnlak Should have seeded some 5-friendly ads in advance :)
@ahnlak Oooh. Nice one!
adders RT @Riotcleanup: Remember: you’re a womble <– I love this country sometimes
@majicDave No, they have.
@Ninja_lynneja So, you leave a trail of devastation in your wake, is what you’re saying? :)
BinaryBad Sky News want to turn off Twitter to combat the rioting? Wow. Tell you what, let’s try turning them off too. See which helps more.
Kavey My friend’s experience of yesterday’s disgusting destructive louts: http://bit.ly/q9XnNH
@tsunimee *spank* Bad girl. G’night.
Okay. Finally in bed. It’s like bloody election night. I know there’s no point staying up, but still…
@PaulLewis Video from a distance, here. Don’t think you’ll miss it. http://yfrog.com/mdi5gz
@parryphernalia @BristolRed @bengoldacre @charltonbrooker http://bit.ly/qDDXKC <- Think I found it. Look at pharmacy, No Entry, other sign.
@BristolRed Better tell the Mirror that, because they’re using it on their front page. http://www.mirror.co.uk/