@Ninja_lynneja *dies of vicarious nom*
I am going to try to avoid watching _Die Hard_ yet again, classic though it is, and watch something I’ve not seen before instead.
@vero Me too. I’m just thinking about things that might be intercepting/examining/slowing keystrokes that I’ve updated recently.
@vero You don’t happen to have Textexpander, do you? Trying to eliminate things here.
@vero Weird. Only seen it on my desktop, not on the laptop. And — I *think* — only since 10.7.1.
@hayles Sweeeet.
@BenPark It’s a weasel, I believe. The sign’s for Taxi Studio. Who seem to be a bit weird.
@meemalee Apparently it’s National Treasure 2.
@Narshada No, this is significantly worse than anything else I’ve seen him in. Really.
@jonhickman Apparently so. Though the last two Cage films I’ve watched were Con Air and Raising Arizona, so this is a very big step down.
Wow. This Nicholas Cage thing on BBC 1 is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.
@alfredapp Any reports of letters turning up in the wrong order when typing into Alfred? (e.g. type Alfred, get flAred)? #odd #isitjustme
@charlie_cat_esq I think we got change from a thousand, at least.
Having an alleged coffee at the zoo.
@BenPark We probably passed each other… Currently in zoo in company of friends and their two small monkeys :)
Off to meet some friends at the zoo.
@word_geek I’m sure that’ll work.
@Jorence It’s not the eating out I mind so much; it’s having to remember to put out a new book to defrost before I read it.
@Jorence I think it’s not classified as an illness until you start throwing out good food as your books overflow into the kitchen cupboards.
@slicknic Well done! I’ve sadly gone up recently. Getting on the scales is my first step in facing the facts and doing something about it.
@archidave Seems to have worked for me, but then I only use it for testing stuff, anyway.
@asic69 Firefox 6, baby.
Maybe we should have a sweepstake on what version of Firefox will be out at the end of the year. My money’s on 27.
My weight: 17:12.9 stlb. 0:12.9 stlb to go. Weighin’ in. withings.com
@RamonYouseph “Whirlwind” for me is a bit like “running” for me, i.e. only a fractionally faster speed from normal.
Roight. Bath. Whirlwind-flat-tidy. Laundry. Lunch. Sounds about right.
@Easybourne Sh. Shouty Friday was yesterday. And some of us are still in bed.
@Kanga_Rue Woo! Congrats :)
@Jorence Nodnhbg!