@Jorence Bonsoir. (Third early night in a row. One day soon I’ll actually feel awake…)
It might very well be bedtime.
@Jorence @stillawake It makes a great difference, doesn’t it? Love it when a writer’s painted the minor characters well, too.
@paul_clarke Well, could you get nasa.gov fixed while you’re there?
Tidbidts nails very precisely a list of “Subtle Irritations in Lion”: tidbits.com/article/12412 #geek
How Wolverine goes to bed: fishing-with-hearts.deviantart.com/art/Good-Night…
@BlackDogDays Aha indeed.
Er. Where did @Playleimagery go?
@MandinaM Looking normal now :) lockerz.com/s/130489144
@MandinaM I’m guessing it’ll still be fairly heavy, but it’s apparently moving now. Don’t know for sure, though.
BristolPost 360 degree virtual view from Bristol’s Cabot Tower. Can you spot your house? #bristol bit.ly/nsRaVg
@DrHairbear Any idea what happened? I’d guess the accident was so bad the police had to gather evidence :(
@BlackDogDays @adamcheasley @StJamesPT …so I’m guessing a combination of things. It’s pretty nasty on the roads. Might jog down towpath!
@RamonYouseph knock-on from A4 closure, I guess.
@hayles Can’t prove anything.
Queens Road pretty solid. Just saw mounted policeman trot past all the traffic ro assess things. #bristol
#bristol peeps, avoid driving Hotwells or Clifton Village, or relying on 8/9 bus at the mo. Might be faster walking.
Ah, so Hotwell Road closed because of accident involving a bike and a lorry. That doesn’t sound good :( #Bristol (from BBC travel info.)
@iamdanw Ah, the “LOL defence”. Clearly won’t work in this case; he should’ve used an emoticon.
@BristolFerry @DavidJEWood As long as the spaniel’s trained to serve drinks, I could live with that.
@BristolFerry @DavidJEWood ;)
@DavidJEWood I do. Been commuting on the boats for years, and even snapped some of the ferry postcards!
@tyronem Me too, sadly. Thankfully only a half-hour to go though.
@DavidJEWood Ferry from the Centre. It’s how I get home when I’m feeling lazy or it’s raining!
@DavidJEWood Good job I’ll be coming home by boat, then :) #trafficfreetransport
@RellyAB So, basically you’ve been mistaken for a typist?
@hayles @jakepjohnson I’ll hold him.
@bestform Yes. The one that hurts your eyes.
@bestform Do you remember a big room with a blue ceiling?
Yes, Twitter is having problems, Tumblr won’t load pages, and the Apple Store is down. Have you considered GOING OUTSIDE? That’s still up.
@DrHairbear It’s also possible that draining every pub in a 5K radius might produce some kind of overflow error.
@mistymaria Chocolate, and an almost-fanatical devotion to the gin.
indiaknight If clams in fridge open up and then close again when put in salty water, are they ok to eat, or death by mollusc?
@DrHairbear SELECT beer FROM pub WHERE SpacialLocation.STDistance(@DrHairbearLocation) <= 5000
@oxfamcothambook Curated bit of Flickr featuring “interesting” photos. This is a bit of it: flickr.com/explore/intere…
Oh. My pic of the Red Arrows made Explore. Wondered why it had started collecting shiny picture comments.
@preppeller I’m with the other “0.9.10” fans — seemed the obvious one to me. #buttheniamageek
@the3rdgirl Also, how long’s it been? Might just take a while to transcode for web.
@the3rdgirl Definitely logged in with account on app? Seem to remember it lets you post without that.
benhorsleyco Looter steals laptop from IT security professional. http://j.mp/o2mF7C
Got up early and walked briskly to the office. Then bumped into mate in street and nattered with him until gone 9. Oh well. #goodintentions