Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 14th, 2011

@tyronem Lightroom is the product that makes me wonder how the *rest* of Adobe manage to make products that annoy me so much.

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@guriben I actually cycled yesterday for the first time in ages. Main problem for me is hills, not broken toes.

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@guriben Oh! How… er… pretty! Remind me never to cycle again.

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@DavidJEWood It’s Launchpad that I’ve never used. Mission Control not too bad. Took a while to get used to reverse scrolling :)

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@guriben What the heck have you been doing to yourself?

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@DavidJEWood I’d have said that about Snow Leopard, but Lion’s quite in-your-face with its changes.

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@DavidJEWood They always are, this early. It ain’t bad, though.

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@DavidJEWood I like a lot of the full screen stuff on the Air, but it doesn’t work so well on the big computer for me.

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@DavidJEWood Main thing I prefer in Chrome is the “omnibar”, but there’s a Safari hack to get that anyway.

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@DavidJEWood Fundamentally, they’re not that wildly different for the things that matter to me.

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@DavidJEWood I generally use Safari, but have been flirting with Chrome recently because I was using it on Windows at work.

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@DavidJEWood Ah, it’s moved on since I upgraded. It’s 14 I’ve been using that’s working fine.

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@DavidJEWood Move up to the Chrome dev channel (Chrome 14) for a bit. It’s fine on Lion.

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@headfirstonly I may still go look for it tonight. First clear night in days!

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@Easybourne Thanks! Will take a look through yours once I’ve cooked ;)

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fergieweather International Space Station passing over W Country this eve around 22:09pm for 3 mins, SSW to SE, should be very visible!

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@Easybourne Nice! I have never owned a lens that long. Which is fair enough, as I mostly do street-distance stuff :) Still…

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@the3rdgirl Hint: if you dissolve, you’ve gone too far.

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@stillawake I walked down the Zig Zag afterwards, pausing briefly to buy a 99 flake from the ice cream van that must’ve been behind you :)

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@jamesclay Ta, I have just tarted it out a bit more on Twitter because you said that :)

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And one from when they zipped past fairly close :)

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The Red Arrows <3 Bristol

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@stillawake They’re always good. I must have walked past you at some point!

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Aww. Shame no mass ascent tonight. Still, seeing Friday morning’s up close and personal was good :)

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@DrHairbear You are (a) talking to yourself and (b) very welcome :)

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@DrHairbear Still there? Just about to cross footbridge.

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@DrHairbear In that case, I shall probably see you there. I was planning on being on that end bit with the odd commemorative thingy(?)

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@DrHairbear I’m heading up the hill to Clifton Village to see them, but was planning to head down to CB after for launch, if it’s on.

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@Narshada Please see my previous reply to @ahnlak.

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@Swishrelic Call them up and give them your coordinates. Just make sure you don’t phone the wrong bit of the RAF.

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Right. Up t’hill t’see t’red arrows, ah reckon.

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@chocolatereview @hayles, @nickbrompton and I were only last night bemoaning the lack of a drive-through cheesecake shop in our area, too.

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Right. I have done Very Little today. Might tidy the front yard, then nip to Clifton Village for coffee & cake.

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@jonhickman My guess would be that as long as the magnetic numbers at the bottom are still valid, it’ll be fine.

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@Jorence I never actually think of buses as a sensible option these days. Do the FIesta ones actually work, then?

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@chocolatereview Furthermore: it’s making me hungry.

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@chocolatereview Tried a few refreshes, clicks and so on, and all looks fine. Also looks fine in Safari.

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@Jorence …so it’d be a lot of walking for just a couple of hours.

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@Jorence Sounds like a good “plan B”. Not sure I will, as I’m thinking of snapping the 6pm launch from Cumberland Basin…

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Bah. Nice sunny Sunday with the balloon fiesta on and I’m all knackered and headachey.

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@wotfs Nope. It’s only closed on Night Glow evenings (Thursday, Saturday) 6pm-2am. Open all day today.

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@ahnlak (At least that gave me a chance to test Storify:… )

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Bleurgh. Feeling listless today.

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