@Thehappyfatgirl Sadly, it’s a work night. Ask me again on a Friday :)
@KaveyF @word_geek @ahnlak I particularly enjoyed it when they wrote Jonny out of Two Pints… by having him killed while shark-jumping.
@stillawake @BinkysBoudoir @Jorence @guriben I can’t quite believe I forgot to buy more today. If you don’t see me on tomorrow, I’m in bed.
@BinkysBoudoir @stillawake @Jorence @guriben (And tomorrow will be worse. I HAVE NO COFFEE AAAAAARGHJGHDJFHKSJFDHKHFHKJSDHFDIES)
@BinkysBoudoir @stillawake @Jorence @guriben Especially post-holidays. I actually had to put my alarm clock next to the kettle this morning.
@mhoulden Excellent. And jQuery is my favourite of Those Kinds of Things.
(Kewl. We appear to be starting the year with a collective creativity-boost.)
stillawake First week done, how did I do? ephemeraldigest.co.uk/2013/01/first-… with thanks to @Jorence, @guriben and @gothick! (and a picture of my tiny girl)
@stillawake Ah, yes. MGR is mostly just for me, and not very interesting, so I keep it separate from the main one.
@stillawake (Oooh, was that a pingback I just heard arriving? *goes to read*)
@stillawake Thanks :) I don’t remember doing much in the way of refurbishment…
@Easybourne I tried one with five strings today. It didn’t seem to make it easier.
mhoulden In case people haven’t seen it. a toy train company put in a bid for the WCML and got a reply back from the DfT: blog.bigjigstoys.co.uk/our-wcml-bid-h…
@mhoulden Rebel. We’ll have to get Claire to record some disapproving “tuts” :) @getrunningapp
@thekarleighshow A nice bit of ruff there.
Hurrah! Reunited with my scarf. Thanks, @BirdcageBristol.
@BirdcageBristol Aww! Fantastic! Thanks. Are you open at the mo? Am not far. Or I could pop in tomorrow.

@BirdcageBristol Cool! I have the perfect picture to check for a match… Tapic.twitter.com/9FIsS9rgrg
@BirdcageBristol I didn’t leave a scarf in you today, did I?
Damn it. Lost my scarf today.
@guriben Yeah. I said that the last time, and that was before I actually owned furniture.
Tempted by this firewalk: mssociety.org.uk/ms-events/2012… . On the other hand: theage.com.au/articles/2002/…
@jbrownridge Gosh, the Telegraph’s really gone downhill recently.
@tsunimee He’s not doing much for me, either. Mind you, neither is the “before” guy :)
@tsunimee It wouldn’t matter. The “after” guy would spend too much time in the gym to see anyone.
Not being blown away by the new single hasn’t stopped me singing Ziggy Stardust to myself all day, of course.
JohnFugelsang Today is the birthday of both David Bowie & Elvis Presley, neither of whom has gained any weight since 1977.
@rabidbee I evaluate them for *use* like that. But for work I’m just glad most people have moved on from IE 6 and 7.
@Thehappyfatgirl Riches!
@rabidbee The latest one’s actually pretty good (well, in terms of compatibility with standards. Not really used it in anger.)
Anyway. Back to work. Which I’m putting off, because it involves firing up Internet Explorer.
@Thehappyfatgirl It’s not so much the expenses, as the lack of income…
@tsunimee Okay, then. Snuggle up, sexeh.
@Thehappyfatgirl No. But you can come and share mine for a week if you can afford it :D
@Thehappyfatgirl Today is my regular “chores day”. Have a couple of appointments I have to drive to, so I normally add shopping & lunch out.
@Thehappyfatgirl It’s a hard life, but someone’s got to do it.
@tsunimee We can try, but I’m not sure your arms will go all the way around me now. *huuuuuuuuuuuuug*
@Thehappyfatgirl It’s very nice. We were wondering how they coped with the normal Corn Street crowd wandering in of an evening.
@hayles But no, no cake for Matt. Put on four pounds over Christmas. I had a bagel.
@hayles Yeah, it looked lovely. And my friend nearly bought a jumper. She might go back tomorrow. No copies of Playboy in evidence :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Corn Street, on the corner next to the Coventry Building society towards the Centre end.
Well, that was as enjoyable as only a shopping trip to Broadmead can be. *shoots self*
Liking the style of this place. @ The Birdcage instagr.am/p/UOXlBppC18/

Sarah appears quite delighted by the Birdcage :) pic.twitter.com/4v8C9Atg
Tiny Oreos. @ The Birdcage instagr.am/p/UOVzhjJC1H/
Spam. instagr.am/p/UOHh9bJC9l/
Of course, the mail from Yahoo! doesn’t have an Unsubscribe! link. Presumably because They’re! Tossers!
Mail from Yahoo! Answers congratulating me on reaching “Level 2”. Whatever that is. Feels bit like getting an email from Ceefax. Or MySpace.
@MarsCuriosity I wondered where @SelfAwareROOMBA had gone.