Gizmodo Lucasfilm kills 3D Star Wars re-releases after realizing it’s horrible and everyone hates it
Ouch. Note to self: fooling around on guitar for an hour is much easier on the fingers if you do it more than once a month.
@maureenjohnson Well, at least you don’t have to watch it now.

@mhoulden Christ.

@mhoulden I’ll see you and raise you.

raubrey Ever seen a whale photobomb a juvenile gull? You have now.

@mhoulden Siri doesn’t do any better.
And I wasn’t even trying to watch Doctor Who. #appletv #crypticerrors #oopsibrokeit
@waiyeehong @_dibdib Lap cheongs are so in awe of Chuck’s tough skin that they simply melt if brought into the same room.
@matt_fwyalchen That… actually sounds quite nice.
@waiyeehong @_dibdib We were once a whole person, but we watched Chuck Norris demonstrate a karate chop on TV and it split us in half.
@waiyeehong @_dibdib Apparently so.
@waiyeehong Chuck Norris doesn’t age. Every day that tries to pass him gets punched back into the middle of next week.

On the plus
betty_watson Know of anywhere in bristol that would definitely sell wheat and dairy-free puddings / cakes of an evening?
I appear to be flame-grilling some lamb chops. Shame it’s an electric grill. #oops
I keep seeing gurt big posters for @gurtlushchoir’s Gurt Mikado.… #gurt
@archidave If I could summon up that much enthusiasm I wouldn’t have needed those inverted commas…
My cousin Nick is running the Bath Half to support research into causes of miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth:…

O2 Last night, Chris left his phone with me for five minutes. Now I am a cow.
Doing my “weekly” review.
mocost Fisher-Price Synesthesia 11 cases traced back to the same set of alphabet magnets
@R2UK Thanks. On balance, I think a new Wii-U seems the sensible choice for me, given that I’ve *nearly* bought a Wii about three times now!
@ahnlak @R2UK @word_geek @2grummpy Ah! Well, an iPlayer/LoveFilm box that also happens to play games might be worth considering…
@ahnlak @R2UK Plus, let’s face it, half my TV consumption is shows from before things were recorded in HD anyway!
@ahnlak @R2UK I don’t normally bother with HD anyway. I can’t really tell the difference on my old, small telly.
@GrainBarge Thank you. And thank you for the festival, too :D
@R2UK (& thanks for Wii offer. It’s the only console I’ve ever considered buying; maybe I should buy a working one and get games as bonus!)
@R2UK @word_geek @2grummpy Can any of them do iPlayer, too? That’s pretty much the only other thing I’m missing on my TV.
@R2UK @word_geek @2grummpy Most of my needs are met by the Apple TV. Old console not a bad idea, though seems overkill just for LoveFilm.
@njj4 Mmmmm. Diana Rigg. An entire standalone reason for buying that boxset…
@word_geek @2grummpy Ta! Damn it, maybe I should have bid for the Mac Mini I saw at that auction last week…
KatyEvansBush I need to speak to a woman who self-published an e-book with no previous experience in publishing. For an article. Are you out there…?
@njj4 Now *that* is an awesome claim to fame.
@word_geek Hoping that Amazon and Apple do some deal at some point to bring LoveFilm to the Apple TV, which would solve that problem.
@word_geek I still haven’t successfully found a way of putting streamed LoveFilm stuff on my TV, which is my preferred place to watch.
@libbymiller Thanks :) Will get back to you if I manage to override my little “you’ve got no free time, idiot!” voice…
@libbymiller I seem to have amassed quite a few DVDs over the last decade, and I pretty much only re-watch the Blake’s 7 :D
@libbymiller I do want to see Buffy again. But I’m thinking maybe I should just rent them.
@ahnlak You’d also have to throw in a VHS player. Besides, I can get B5 on iTunes…
It comes on 39 DVDs. Which is a tad scary.…
(Not *that* Avengers, those people who are confused. The real, *proper* Avengers.… )
@ahnlak Thank you. I’m thinking that as soon as I push the button, sod’s law says Netflix UK will announce its arrival anyway…
Wonder how long it’ll be before I can afford to add £100 to that and buy the Complete Avengers 50th Anniversary Edition box set instead…
Hrm. The Gift Certificate balance on my Amazon account pretty much equal to the cost of the complete Buffy box set…
@word_geek It was. And quite improbably-angled, to make it down do the basement fireplace of quite a tall house…
sizemore 7 hour Star Wars fan documentary: Take lunch halfway through and that’s your working day done. Your boss says its okay.

And this is why it can be tough to provide a graphic that scales nicely to many devices (source: )
haveigotnews It is a truth universally acknowledged, that journalists don’t know any other lines from Pride and Prejudice.
Fiddlin’ with video setup.