_How to *train* Your Dragon_, even.
Mmmmmmmstarving. instagr.am/p/UmR_w1pC3X/
@Kavey Huzzah! X
@RamonYouseph Hmm?
@RamonYouseph The lots I’m interested in won’t be up for another half hour. Live and learn!

So far, my auction experience mostly consists of lunch at the Tobacco Factory. Could be worse. pic.twitter.com/YwoQbEZ9
Leaving The Lounge before I start feeling guilty for taking up a table at lunchtime while I nurse latte remnants and write…
@Lillput Thanks for your comment! Hope you enjoyed reading the post; it’s part of my effort to re-start writing a bit this year…
Auction. instagr.am/p/UlQaa-pCyP/