@Ninja_lynneja *carefully doesn’t ask*
@Ninja_lynneja Dare I ask?
Taking its time… instagr.am/p/VHSHlrpC-4/
fergieweather Keeping close eye on potential for severe weather first half of Friday in W Country. High winds, heavy rain; poss snow. Detail v uncertain.
My walk home is rife with danger. instagr.am/p/VHLflOpC5u/
Hrm. Wine is pricey here. But a glass might help with the caffeine withdrawal. Basically, I’m swapping coffee addiction for alcoholism.
At the Tobacco Factory, awaiting ciabatta. #middleclasstweets
Reach. instagr.am/p/VG8mGCpC_g/
@Thehappyfatgirl No, I’m from Lahndahn. I said “cheers, mate” in my best mockney.
Ooop. Just in time delivery there. Never handed my bags personally to a binman before.
Right. Yes. Work. See you in a couple of hours, Twitter.
benjohnbarnes I love you, Mark Steel —independent.co.uk/voices/comment…3b “it’s obvious who caused the economy to collapse – people on benefits with a spare room”
@markrglover I needed it because I work for financial institutions. Also handy in case anyone sues over an app, or whatever, I suppose.
@markrglover Quite easy. And it does offer some protection, plus some larger companies will only contract with freelancers through Ltd co’s.
@markrglover (But I just normally go to my accountant and do what they say. And I needed to be Ltd for a couple of the contracts I did.)
@markrglover …so the amount of Income Tax should be a lot smaller, so they don’t need any/as much on account. I think.
@markrglover Dunno. But because you’ll generally be taking most of the money through dividends, it’ll mostly be Corporation Tax…
@markrglover Ooops.
@markrglover I think I’m escaping that by transferring to Limited Company.
@markrglover I have some regular income from the apps, but not enough. Still, it’s good motivation, isn’t it?
@markrglover I should probably get another contract soon…
@markrglover I’m in exactly the same position. Think the Limited Company I started this year might be heading that way too.
@WTF4Photography *struts* *saunters* *trips over tail*
Right. More video work, I think.
@markrglover Yeah, I need to do that today. Arse.
@WTF4Photography Hah! Love the diver one. In the end I went for (hopefully) sturdy, long-lasting simplicity. amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00…
WTF4Photography @gothick - Amazon.com: Deep Tea Diver Loose Tea Strainer: Home & Kitchen via @Pinterest pinterest.com/pin/1555853620…
@benjohnbarnes e.g. with Lightroom, Pixelmator, etc., I still find myself reaching for mouse or tablet. Even just to move sliders.
@benjohnbarnes I’m still waiting for something that has the swooshiness of multitouch but is accurate enough for driving complex interfaces.
Turning my SAD lamp off due to the surprising appearance in Bristol of ACTUAL DAYLIGHT.
@benjohnbarnes I think you just invented the terminal.
Aww. Drowning robot tea infuser. amazon.co.uk/Drowning-Robot…
Polishing my pomodoro.