Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 18th, 2013

@chrisbrogan I’d suggest nothing less than a tactical nuclear machete.

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@betty_watson Thank you! Trying to enjoy the last of my thirties all the way to Monday :D

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@chrisbrogan You brought a knife to a coconut fight? Bad move.

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@betty_watson Let’s hope not. I want a winter wonderland for some birthday celebrations tomorrow, but without the harbour freezing over!

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@BradleyLaw Don’t Crumpler do some half-decent ones?

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@johnfbraun I’ve got all those, but I’ve also got very steep narrow streets with parked cars on both sides all around me! Not risking it…

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And Leigh Woods was sort of like this today.…

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@johnfbraun I did advanced driving lessons with a guy who loved snow driving, so I quite enjoy it on those rare occasions I drive in it :D

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@johnfbraun The big roads in Bristol are generally gritted fairly well, so it tends to be more low-speed slides on small roads here.

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@johnfbraun Snow rarely settles in Bristol, even compared with the rest of England. And it has a lot of steep hills, which doesn’t help!

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I’d never have thought this was the kind of equipment used in building control supervision, either.…

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A snap from this morning. I wouldn’t try Granby Hill tomorrow either, folks.…

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@hayles I admit it’s a bit longwinded, but thepersonwhodesignedtheappletvinterfaceisagit is quite satisfying as a password.

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@Peculiar Translation: “It has windows!”

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AndrewKellyhome Watershed in Bristol appoints snowman in residence via @msc45:

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@Indiechops I’m having quite a dragon-y week, oddly.

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So. Yeah. Nipped out to take few photos. Five hours later… Might be lunchtime!

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Hurrah! Boat trip now back on! Thanks, Bristol Packet.

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Why yes, actually I *am* walking in a winter wonderland.

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Damn! Lost a lens hood.

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In contrast to suspension bridge, nice Leigh Woods ranger just stopped to ask if I could send them any good photos I happen to get :)

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@skeddy @chubbybannister Quick! Ban blind people from the suspension bridge!

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@skeddy @chubbybannister But I do kinda wonder about the actual odds of this hypothetical circumstance happening.

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@chubbybannister @skeddy Exactly. Guessing they force *you* to have it in case someone might try to hold them liable and claim on theirs.

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Snowboarding jackets are brill for photography. This one even has a lens cloth on a lead.

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@chubbybannister @skeddy (The rule is common, that is. I’ve never seen anyone actually trip over a tripod.)

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I’m going in. I may be some time.

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@chubbybannister @skeddy He specifically said it was because of danger of people tripping over tripod. Fairly common.

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@RellyAB Did it help? Psychosomatic Radiator great name for a shoe gazing band.

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cazbennettt “@ashley_velvet: NOT EVEN JOKING!!!!” only in Bristol!

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@skeddy Scared I’ll trip someone litigious up with the tripod. Might just get formal permission. I *do* have public liability insurance!

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@benjohnbarnes Thanks! When I get home, I will mostly be doing Play Store graphics :D

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Bah. Had to stop taking photos from Suspension Bridge. Told I can’t use tripod on it unless I have liability insurance and sign a waiver.

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Gah. Looks like my ferry boat birthday trip is cancelled :(

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@WTF4Photography Can’t remember, was couple of years back. UK Internet supplier.

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This was going to be a nice photo of the Mall, but it literally turned out to be a bit of a car crash.

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Damn! Lens steamed up on the *inside*. Belated snow photography tip #4: take plastic bag big enough to put camera in during cafe pit stop!

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Clifton Village shops about 80% open. Call first before making a special trip up here for anything.

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markrglover @gothick Doesn’t count if there isn’t a robin posing on it.

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General snow tip: consider pair of YakTrax. These things are fab.

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@Phooto Yeah. Also, snow pics lend themselves more to wide angles. Hood on my 10-20 really won’t help!

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@Phooto Snow pretty much horizontal. Helping, but not much!

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johnmcg @gothick “It’s ok, I’ve got a 4x4, I’ll be fin..” CRUNCH. “Oh.”

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James is right. Snow photography tip #3: take all the lens cloths you own. If setting up a static shot, keep lens cap on until last moment.

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liveindetail @gothick Keeping the snow out your lens is going to be a challenge. I tried earlier and failed

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Really, Bristol. Don’t try it.

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: Granby Hill closed. Just now. After someone tried it.

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Right. I’m off out to see if I can take some nice photos. Catch you in a bit, people.

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therealflooper Snowball fight in full swing here!

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@BlackDogDays Arse. Even The Galley? Was going to confirm for tomorrow. Gosh. Hope they’re open tomorrow!

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FirstBSA Bristol (1 of 2) Conditions worse: Multiple incidents & conditions treacherous. Bristol services suspended. Apologies. @kmb2009 SDM

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If I’d had any faith in Bristol snow, of course, I’d have finished this time-lapse before today. *Marks tripod position on floor with tape*

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bertyc @gothick also get your white balance right or the colour will be all off/dull/blue/wrong

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Beginners’ snow photography tip #2: take a spare battery if you’ve got one. The cold can really reduce your battery life.

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Beginners’ snow photography tip: Snow fools your exposure metering. If your photos look a bit dull, bump up the exposure compensation a bit.

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Rocking out to Galaxie 500’s version of _Listen, the Snow Is Falling_ while wondering where to go take pictures.

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