@annecupcake From a sticker? Sunflower oil, or similar cooking oil. Put some on some kitchen towel, rub on residue. Works a treat, normally.
@Playleimagery Not tonight, sorry!
Getting my drag on. instagr.am/p/UjxW9QJCyb/
@rupertg @shezza_t I was getting great mail order service from Maplin long before either Amazon existed or I saw a physical Maplin store!
@talkie_tim @rabidbee Random curiosity, really! Great way to spend an hour. Might go back tomorrow and bid on something for a laugh.
@rabidbee @talkie_tim Yous were. On way back now..instagr.am/p/UjJYNApC-2/35
Just posted a photo @ Greville Smyth Park instagr.am/p/UjI3_upC-a/

@rabidbee @talkie_tim This pic with Riverside Garden Centre and self storage place might help pinpoint it. pic.twitter.com/uKTvMc80
@EffBeeee I imagine Mr Clarke was suggesting to us that silent-t was the posher version, where the other would be rather “non-U”.
@EffBeeee My classics teacher suggested that the “t” should be silent, in a random meander during a Latin lesson.
This Ferrari has seen better days. instagr.am/p/Ui87y3JC1B/
Fibre optic. instagr.am/p/Ui7s5aJCz9/

Safe to say this is airport stuff, I think. Half of this is the straw sunhat section..@dangussetepic.twitter.com/vBrvy4PsPs
Might be a bit stale… instagr.am/p/Ui66-AJCzQ/

Here’s a lot for @petedrinks to bid on! pic.twitter.com/fjQ3vi6r
Never seen a bookcase full of e-readers before. instagr.am/p/Ui5odAJCyQ/
@dangusset Guessing mostly unclaimed luggage from airport. Also lots of bottles of liquids + penknives!

Odd place. Anyone want to buy ten holdalls, contents included? pic.twitter.com/jQdrohdd
Excellent! Shiny new foot/cycle path finally open. instagr.am/p/Ui2WnSpCwC/
@ahnlak No.
On my favourite walking route from Hotwells to Bedminster. instagr.am/p/Ui1tAopC_b/
Off to an auction viewing, then for lunch somewhere on North Street, I reckon.
@jontangerine …perhaps give an example or two of what the difference might be?
@jontangerine Erm. My brain keeps reducing that to “which of these two things that are the same would you prefer.” Could you…
@hubbs Thanks, I’ve heard of Flux. Bit scared I’d forget to turn it off when processing photos, though, which I do pretty much daily…
I may have to change my full-screen editing colour scheme now I’ve bought this SAD lamp. instagr.am/p/UihgigpC36/
@liveindetail :D
Right, Twitter, I will leave you to your breaking news and jokes about horses until I’ve done my Morning Pages.
(*Maybe. Predicted snow in Bristol pretty much never materialises.)
Hrm. I’m having a little local birthday celebration on Saturday. Hope the snow doesn’t stop people getting to it. On the plus side: SNOW!
EmilyKoch Bristol bracing itself for snow on Friday ow.ly/gQWyU
@thenicolabryant Yeah; I’d never have expected Tesco burgers’ meat content to be as high as 29% :D
@liveindetail Yeah. An effective colleague would wind you up from behind.
@hannahnicklin -7C? Not sure I even own running gear that would cope with that. Stay warm!
@goodshoeday No, you’ll have at least one reality TV show left in there, I’m sure.
almackin The picketing of Tescos begins retail-week.com/pictures/636xA…

vctrjmnz A helicopter crashed minutes ago on Wandsworth road pic.twitter.com/jHVkRnCh
BBCBreaking #Helicopter crashes during morning rush hour near #Vauxhall station in south London, witnesses report - no official confirmation
@Mouse_House Oh well, at least your stuff survived :)
@Mouse_House …but it depends on the cafe, really.
@Mouse_House I either take the laptop, but leave the rest (my laptop’s very light and small) or ask someone nice-looking to keep an eye.