@teacherdude Okay. Question one: what is the correct response to the call “Oggy, oggy, oggy!”? #UKCT
@stillawake That’s a relief.
Hail stopped. Thunder stopped. Fan heater cut out. Scared to look out of the window in case there’s nothing there any more.
@BlackDogDays Favourite hashtag of the week award goes to…
Hrm. There is hail bouncing out of my fireplace. Quite glad this weather waited until I’d finished my cycle home.
@Thehappyfatgirl You’re safe for now. I’ve got to eat first.
Just done @LifeCycleUKteam intermediate bike maintenance course Adjusted lots of things, changed brake & gear cables. Bike still works! Win.
@Thehappyfatgirl I am *so* there. If you see what I mean.
The definition of optimism: Cadbury’s sell Giant Buttons in a reclosable pack.
@guriben Nipped out for lunchtime coffee & bacon sarnie from the workshop at Jake’s Bikes :)
One of the younger members of the bike maintenance course demonstrates parkour skills during lun @ Mayflower instagr.am/p/U_TLVPJCwG/
Great name for second hand furniture store. instagr.am/p/U_P8lGpC9s/
Shiny new brake cables fitted. Looking forward to gear maintenance next… @ Jake’s Bikes instagr.am/p/U_OHKqJC8Y/
@samsneed12 Ooops!
Off to a bike maintenance course. Hopefully I’lll be riding the bike back, rather than walking it home in a carrier bag…
Bloggity: Artist Date #3, my first auction. From Forklifts to Ferraris: gothick.org.uk/2013/01/24/ad3…
Writing my morning pages, occasionally pausing to sing along to _Raingods with Zippos_ (thanks, @FishDerekDick!)